Military Official: US Empire Sinking
Half of all UK wealth in the hands of the country's richest 10%.
Aangirfan Global Rank
Labels: Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, Empire, military, military industrial complex, US
Labels: Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, Empire, military, military industrial complex, US
There is a little doubt about it. It is obvious from American impotence abroad and its stagnation on so many levels at home. Most Americans cannot see it because they have never left the USA.
Awesome video. Everyone should watch it. This republican has got a conscious and cared about things. I couldn't see any difference between Lawrence Wilkerson views and my socialists/ liberal ones. But chilling stuff. The military industry and banking complex are working together to fraud the tax payer. He say's that wars will just carry on and on while the 0.001% are making a packet out of it.
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