Friday 24 April 2015


Sawyer and his TWIN brother Sullivan.

Sawyer Sweeten was a child actor in the American TV series Everybody Loves Raymond.

Sawyer appeared in Everybody Loves Raymond alongside his twin brother Sullivan and their sister Madylin.

On 23 April 2015, Sawyer Sweeten died in Texas, aged 19, in mysterious circumstances.

Reportedly, while visiting family in Texas, 'Sawyer shot himself on the front porch.'

Sawyer, March 2015. Sawyer was born in Brownwood, Texas in 1995

Sawyer was born in Brownwood, Texas, to Timothy Lynn Sweeten and Elizabeth Anne Millsap.

Sawyer, Sullivan 

Phil Rosenthal is the creator of 'Everybody Loves Raymond'.





The Cook Report refers to widespread Satanism in the UK and USA, Michael Aquino, and the CIA.

"Britain’s most popular TV journalist ever, Roger Cook, exposed what he believed was a satanic ritual abuse ring in Jimmy Savile's home town of Leeds, Yorkshire.

"During the airing of an edition called the 'The Devil's Work' on 17 July, 1989 (under the umbrella of the ten-million-viewers-a-night 'Cook Report' series), witnesses told Cook that a certain ‘Sorcerer’s Apprentice shop’, run by one Chris Bray, was connected to a ritual abuse ring in the city.

"Post-transmission threats by Bray to prosecute Central TV proved empty."

​Jimmy Savile: 'It couldn't happen again.' Yes it could


  1. RIP sweet kid. I can imagine the insane amount of abuse both brothers have been subjected to....

    1. So sad.. Child star and a twin. Guess he really struggled to find a good place

  2. Tomorrow is ANZAC day, the hundredth anniversary of the catastrophic invasion of Turkey in 1915. I was stunned to discover that Australia actually sent more than 8 percent of the ENTIRE POPULATION to fight in World War 1, if it were repeated today on a per capita basis we would suffer more than 270 000 dead and more than 600,000 wounded and more than 2 million deployed. This is considered the high point of Australian history!

    1. I agree....

  3. A most interesting find in that Lolita series above. In part two we find that Nabakov was 'instrumental' in the field of Lepidoptera or the study of butterflies. At 1:07 we see this fact along with Nabokovs admission that he had done several case studies of known pedophiles for his book 'Lolita'.

    Nabakov HAS to be the nexus for the fascination of butterflies within the Mk-Ultra program.


  4. "A recent FBI report found that some members of the pedophile community now favor wearing jewelry featuring (blue) triangles within triangles (evidently signifying man/boy) and (pink) HEARTS WITHIN HEARTS (evidently signifying man/girl)." -The Lolita Riddle Pt 2 at 10:56

    Ummm, doesn't Dearman's alleged DNS Server contain a pedophilic website containing the 'Two Hearts" theme?



  6. Time to get some cohesion to the British Truth Movement.

    Time to find out who is committed and who is not.

    Time to find out who is part of the problem and who is part of the solution.

  7. Two Hearts...reminds me of a Phil Collins song...the same Phil Collins who slyly hinted at Frank Bruno's proclivities during an edition of This Is Your Life...hey didn't Bruno get stick for supporting the Tory party, unlike most of his race...and didn't Phil Collins also support them, threatening to leave the country if the Tories lost an election....and which party has been in the news for boy-raping rings at Dolphin Square etc...ah it's all fitting together...

  8. Lets no forget how many people churches have abused and goy away with it. Sounds like religion trying to drum up more business to protect you against evil which is rather ironic given the crusades and with hunting . Maybe they need another virging mother of their god" given everyone knows that is impossible to be true , there certainly is a lot of week minded people out there .

  9. I always thought the Sweeten children would become superstars!... this all sounds so surreal!... impossible! Could something else have happened to Sawyer? Could this be a murder?... made to look like a suicide?
