Wednesday 6 March 2024


 'X' tells us -

Your account is suspended.

After careful review, we determined your account broke the X Rules.


  1. 70 characters is for anodyne generalisations, smearing labels or occasionally a witty response to prejudiced idiots. You can't argue a case based on evidence there. It's 'I think so, end of'.

  2. Once, I had had two Twatter accounts; one for myself personally, touching on professional associations, and another under a nickname that focused on social networks and current trends. Around the time Musky was acquiring Twatter, I deleted the latter one. The result is that the website seems to think I had maliciously shut that page down, and my every effort to post newly or to tinker with the profile of my original account (some 12 years old now) is faced with security checks. These security checks often involve a truly bizarre test to match graphic images ('which one doesn't belong' type). For several weeks in 2023, I was unable to successfully answer these at all, sometimes being required to answer 10 consecutively or be failed; often I made 10 successful matches, only to be told 'unexpected error occurred' -- at which I had not choice to begin again from the beginning. Ultimately, the constant tandem of sadomasochistic gay porn and outrageous pseudo-conspiratorial hit-pieces became exhausting and unproductive, and I simply stopped using it entirely.
