Wednesday 21 February 2024

COLIN PARK ~ world-class artist.



Painting by Colin Park.

'At one point, I saw a picture I particularly liked - a painting of Solway Firth by a fellow named Colin Park.....

"I was prepared to buy it then and there even if I had to carry it all the way to John O'Groats under my arm."

- Bill Bryson, Notes From A Small Island.

Colin Park at work

Paintings by Colin Park

om a Small Island"from: "Notes from a Small Island"

1 comment:

  1. SNP: 'Israel committing atrocities'

    "Brendan O’Hara, the SNP’s foreign affairs spokesperson [said:]

    "'... What no country has the right to do [is] to lay siege to a civilian population, carpet bomb densely inhabited areas, drive people from their homes, erase an entire civilian infrastructure, and impose a collective punishment involving the cutting off of water, electricity, food and medicine, from civilians.

    "'And no country, regardless of who they are, in the name of self-defence can kill civilians at such a pace and on such a scale that in just 16 weeks almost 30,000 are known to have died, with a further 80,000 injured' ...

    "O’Hara said the international rule-based order was 'created to protect people from atrocities, not to be used as a smokescreen to hide the execution of them'..."
