Wednesday 21 February 2024

CIA plot to murder Assange?

CIA plot to murder Assange.

UK High Court hears of CIA plot to poison Julian Assange

Mark Summers KC describes ‘compelling evidence’ of extralegal CIA plan


One of Julian Assange's barristers, Mark Summers KC, “on Tuesday told the [High Court] there were several ‘red flags’ the previous judge should have considered, including a ‘truly breathtaking’ CIA plot to poison or kidnap his client.

“The barrister pointed out that, while the plan was presented as evidence at the time of Assange's hearing in January 2021, more details had emerged in a news story published by Yahoo later that year.

“‘Whatever her reasons for not considering the evidence of the plot to kidnap or poison the defendant, there is compelling evidence now in existence that the plot was real,’ Summers KC told the court.

“The lawyer told the court that the news story had detailed how ‘murderous sketches, plans and options’ were requested by, and presented to, then-US president Donald Trump in 2017 …

“Outside court, Stella Assange described her husband as a political prisoner whose life was at risk.

"’He should never be extradited to the United States,’ she said.

"’He would never be safe. The United States plotted to murder my husband …’”


  1. Assange- Kosher Controlled Opposition

  2. Assange Puppet and 911 Gatekeeper.
    "I'm constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud."---Assange

  3. So why is this done from the UK. The answer is because that is where he is the closest to his masters, the super powerful dynastic Rothschild banking and zionist family.......... Assange's lawyer is the prominent Mark Stephens whose law firm Finers Stephens Innocent is legal adviser to the Rothschild Waddesdon Trust which is concerned with the "maintenance, improvement and payment of certain of the outgoings in respect of Waddesdon Manor (Rothschild's most prestigious property in the UK) in the Vale of Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire."
    The Waddesdon Trust's board of trustees is chaired by the Queen''s former Private Secretary Lord Fellowes and has three Rothschild family members as trustees, Lord (Jacob) Rothschild, Lady Rothschild (his wife) and Beth Matilda Rothschild. It is domiciled 14 St James's Place in London which is also the London address of Lord Jacob Rothschild and his high profile wealth management business St. James's Place Group (formerly J. Rothschild Assurance Group).

