Rod Richards.
Rod Richards (1947 – 2019) was a British Conservative politician.
Richards worked for the security service MI6.
Richards worked for the BBC.
During John Major's government Richards was appointed Parliamentary Private Secretary in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Richards divorced, after revelations in 1996 of an extra-marital affair.

Rod Richards.
Richards had problems with alcohol.
In 1999, Richards was charged with inflicting grievous bodily harm on a young woman.
Richards was cleared of the assault in June 2000.
In 2003, Richards was declared bankrupt.
In 2003, Richards was declared bankrupt.
It was reported in 2008 that Richards was arrested in connection with an assault on a Conservative party worker.
He was later released after receiving a caution from police.

Rod Richards also linked a second leading Conservative – now dead – to the scandals at homes including Bryn Estyn and Bryn Alyn Hall, both near Wrexham.

Rod Richards wrote:
"The young lady is sometimes introduced as 'my girlfriend since childhood'. Another ruse is to say 'we are about to get engaged'.
"Frequently the young lady who was introduced to the local Conservative association members as a charity worker who enjoys home cooking and would like a large family is never seen again.
"Occasionally, the deception is complete. The candidate and his girlfriend get married.
"Occasionally, the deception is complete. The candidate and his girlfriend get married.
"'Arranged' marriages allow the new undeclared gay MP to live his life as he is sexually inclined to do whilst his 'charming and devoted wife' does her 'own thing' with whomsoever she pleases provided the watchword is discretion. Local party members grow to love her because she is always around for coffee mornings and tombolas."
Check out:
(with a portrait of Richard Kerr at the approximate age he was abused by Enoch Powell)