Sunday 8 November 2015


Andrew Ash, who was almost killed by Sidney Cooke, who reportedly WORKED FOR THE SECURITY SERVICES...

Andrew Ash was the victim of VIP child abuse rings.

In 1976, at the age of eight, Andrew Ash was raped by his headmaster.

Andrew's headmaster had connections to the BBC.

Andrew was brought up in a children's care home in Bradford, in the UK.

Andrew was trafficked to Amsterdam in Holland for the purposes of child sex.

The customs officers and boat crew turned a blind eye to the trafficking.

Both babies and boys were for sale in Amsterdam.

Andrew was forced to take part in child porn movies and snuff movies in various parts of the UK.

He was almost killed by Sidney Cooke, reportedly a supplier of boys to the elite.

More here: Sexual abuse my first remembrance of what happened to me

Andrew Ash was taken to 'drug-fuelled parties' in the UK parliament in the 1980s.

Andrew Ash has written about an abuser the police want to keep quiet about.

Andrew writes that, as a boy, he was sexually abused by the adult Arthur Graham Stephens.

Andrew explains:

Arthur Graham Stephens was born in Wrexham in 1928.

In the 1950's he started to sexually abuse boys.

He obtained boys from children's care homes.

He had numerous convictions for child abuse.

He was a major player in the North Wales care homes child abuse ring.

It was in prison in the early 1970's that he met and befriended the child abuser Sidney Cooke.

The prison put a really young inmate in with Graham and Sidney Cooke.

They both raped and tortured the boy.

The boy was found hanged in the prison.

Sydney Cook

It is through Graham that I (Andrew Ash) got to know Sidney Cooke

Sidney Cooke eventually left me for dead.

Graham saved my life with a kiss of life.

At his trial in 1980, evidence was given that Graham kept detailed notebooks and diaries of everything.

He also had hundreds of photos of Child Sexual Abuse offences with young boys.

These were said to include many of the local good and the great, including Judge Lord Tom Kenyon and Chief Superintendant Gordon Anglesea (recently arrested over historic abuse claims)

Jason Smith, from a children's home in London, was murdered by members of Sydney Cooke's pedophile ring which had links to top people.

Interestingly according to the Inquiry, Gwynned police could not supply these photos or documents as they had been 'lost'!

Graham was closely associated with the Lift Project, which provided housing for boys leaving care, but were little more than brothels and where many of the photos were taken.

It is also alleged he organised the sex parties at the Crest Hotel and supplied boys to parties in London.

After he was released he went to live in Bradford at Flat 1, 16 St Pauls Rd Bradford.

The electoral rolls confirm that he was living there until 1997.

It is at this address in Bradford that I (Andrew Ash) first got to know Graham.

It was through another other abuser who decided to pass me on to Graham.

Graham was to become my keeper and his house would be my safe house.

There was other boys that came and went from this safe house.

More here: A true life story

Child abuser Sir Jimmy Savile and the other top organisers of child abuse are all believed to have been working for the intelligence services. JIMMY SAVILE, THE KRAY TWINS, IAN BRADY, HAMPSTEAD....

Statement from Chris Fay who came to visit Andrew Ash at this address:

It was quite clear from NAYPICs investigations back in 1990 and from what Andrew has told us recently, that Graham Stephens was a major player too in West Yorkshire.

He organised the abuse of boys from a number of care homes in the Bradford area.

He supplied boys to Sidney Cooke and for parties in London.

He was also involved in the trafficking of boys.

He was a close freind of George Chapman, a senior driver for Dewhursts Coaches as well as Michael George Walker the Amsterdam rep for Dewhursts.

We have documented evidence he was a tenant of Russell H Tricker and his business partner in Toffs Travel Consultants.

We have tied Graham Stephens into the organised abuse of children in care in North Wales and Cheshire and in Yorkshire. 

I have no doubt that he was a major player in an organised abuse ring that stretched across the country from the 1970’s to the 90’s, including providing boys for abuse videos and snuff movies.

I can confirm he was a copious keeper of notes and have no doubt he kept a record of every boy he had abused, sold and who he sold them to!

I am not surprised various police forces 'lost' them, given some of the big names involved.

George Kennedy Young, former deputy director of MI6. George Kennedy Young has now been linked to the VIP child abuse rings in the UK. George Kennedy Young is the former deputy boss of the UK security service MI6 (1959-61). MI6'S GEORGE KENNEDY YOUNG; VIP CHILD ABUSE.

Chris fay e-mail:

I can now tie Graham Stephens in to Lord McAlpine, Derek Laud, David Steele and others at parties in London...

It is clear that Stephens was part of both the Wrexham and Bradford paedophile rings exploiting kids in care throughout the seventies, eighties and ninetys.

Hope this all makes sense.


chris fay.

More here: A true life story

Andrew Ash, who was abused by members of a pedophile ring, which included a female member of parliament.

A female member of the UK parliament sexually abused a thirteen-year-old boy called Andrew Ash.

Andrew Ash was brought from a government children's home, to parliament, to be sexually abused.

Female MP abused boy in care - ‎

Female MPs.

The female MP was part of a pedophile ring 'at the heart of government', a ring that included Sir Jimmy Savile.

Andrew was also trafficked to Amsterdam on a number of occasions.

Female MP abused boy in care - 

Andrew Ash was taken to 'drug-fuelled parties' in the UK parliament in the 1980s.

At these parties, boys and girls as young as 13 were reportedly abused.

Andrew, now 45, gave the name of the former female MP to the police.

Jason Smith, from a children's home in London, was murdered by members of a pedophile ring with links to top people.

Andrew says he was frequently transported to London from the North of England, where he was in care, to take part in child abuse parties for top people.

Andrew says the pedophile ring included Sir Jimmy Savile's driver David Smith.

Smith died in mysterious circumstances in 2013, just before he was due to give evidence in court.

Sir Jimmy Savile, believed to have been working for the intelligence services.

According to Andrew:

"It wasn’t just politicians; there were also a number of celebrities, including Jimmy Savile, who seemed to have a lot of good links to MPs and powerful businessmen.

"There was usually drugs like cocaine and speed available as well as bottles of champagne."

The female MP "was extremely drunk and was laughing as she did it.

"I didn’t really know what was going on but the others around her were goading her on.

"I must have been about 13 years old at the time and felt humiliated."

A former Home Secretary accused of not doing enough to investigate pedophile rings.

The police have video footage and photos of a senior male MP with Andrew.

Andrew says: "I remember being filmed with this MP, who was abusing me in a garage of a very prominent building behind a Rolls-Royce."

Andrew was interviewed for 70 hours by the London Police's Paedophile Unit.

Police officers called at Andrew's home in Yorkshire in May 2013.

Interviews were carried out in Bridlington, East Yorkshire, and in London.


Andrew says: "The interviews were usually carried out in blocks of three, normally every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

"On at least two occasions there were two other officers present that I didn’t recognise. They didn’t ask me a thing, they just scribbled notes.

"I asked who they were but all I was told was that they were from 'upstairs'. It was clear from the tone that they were intelligence officers.

"They had obviously been made aware of the high-profile names and the sensitive information I had given police."

Sydney Cook

Dutch intelligence officers attended at least one interview.

Andrew says he was abused in Amsterdam, on a number of occasions, by members of a pedophile ring which including convicted child murderer Sidney Cooke.

Andrew says he was abused by a top celebrity

He said: "This particular person was able to get youngsters into glitzy nightclubs in the West End. After one evening he invited me and a young girl back to his house where he made us have sex before joining in."

More here: Female MP abused boy in care - ‎


  1. GREAT WORK reblogged


    18th July, 2007 - DI Nigel Sawyer insists BRIDLINGTON is not a hot spot area for crimes of this nature. We have had a lot of high profile sex abuse cases within the BRIDLINGTON AREA in the past four or five years, but we should'nt take things out of context. VERBATIM



  4. McAlpines brother was a director of the charity Fairbridge in Edinburgh for vulnerable children - later became part of the Princes Trust ! Another director of Fairbridge was James Torbett who had years earlier abused boys at Celtic before handing over to another abuser. The Scottish Sheriff in the Torbett case said the letters of support for him made her weep.... not the plight of the victims but the letters of support !! The solicitor who took Torbett to the police station later got a job at Celtic.

  5. Sooooo........the puppet-masters position blackmailable pedophiles and perverts into positions of power in order to control them? And just who might these puppetmasters be??? Perhaps THIS will be illustrative-

  6. Anonymous:

    The secretary for the Princes Trust came to West Lynn children's home when I worked there.

    He was an obvious xxxxx who made a big fuss of the young boys and asked if some could come with him on a "project".

    I have a relative who worked for Ward Gethin solicitors. They were preparing a class action for boys in care who all claimed they were taken to parties at a well known BBC disk jockeys home to be abused. Names on the Ward Gethin list were ... Jimmy Saville etc.

    The solicitors office was burgled and all the papers went.

    But 40 boys who had complained about xxxxxx all received stern legal letters telling them if they persisted with the complaints they would be sued for everything they had. Most backed out

    1. >>> The secretary for the Princes Trust came to West Lynn children's home when I worked there. He was an obvious xxxxx who made a big fuss of the young boys and asked if some could come with him on a "project".

      This is very interesting.

      Prince Charles is linked to:

      (1) Derek Laud - child abuse claims (holidayed with his wife Camilla)

      (2) Michael Fawcett - rape allegation(s)

      (3) Paul Gefford - sexual predator allegation

      (4) Jimmy Savile - serial child abuser & rapist

      (5) Peter Ball - convicted paedophile

      (6) Laurens van der Post - child abuse allegation

      (7) Stephen Salmon - child abuse

      (8) Michael Colvin - allegedly involved in murder of CSA witnesses

      (9) Charles Hornby - child abuse

      (10) Sir Arthur Charles Clarke - serial child abuser

      (11) Robert Coghlan - international paedophile network

      (12) Lord Louis Mountbatten - allegations of abuse at Kincora

      Please could you direct us to where we can find the identity of the secretary for the Prince's Trust to whom you refer? They are possibly the 13th paedophile in Prince Charles' "circle" of employees and friends.

      It is very important that we chronicle the sheer number of paedophiles who have been intimately linked to Prince Charles, his parents and siblings.

      Thank you for any further info you can provide.

  7. shame this was blacked out, I would like to have known what it said ? I was at west lynn childrens home where many boys were groomed for sex, and barnados was even worse most of the staff were homosexuals

  8. North Yorkshire 3rd VIP Ring

  9. LAMPARD REPORT AND CLEVELAND SEXUAL ABUSE SCANDAL (Take note of reference made on page 68, paragraph 12.5 to Cleveland Sexual Abuse Scandal - it is now well known that this inquiry was a 'whitewash')

    The Lampard Report was conducted by -


    2) ED MARSDEN (Note reference to his involvement in Jersey Histroic Child Abuse and Govt connections)

    The Cleveland Child Abuse was conducted by -

    ELIZABETH BUTLER-SLOSS,_Baroness_Butler-Sloss (Note one of the Butler-Sloss son's married a Sainsbury) (Read about her husband's interests in Kenya and also the comment about a car crash)

  10. I loved this post, girls. You continue to hammer nails with direct head shots. Bravo.


  11. As a true victim of a abuse myself
    I am so glad that people are starting to wake up and see the true picture of what was really happening
    And In addition, that of the cover-up that is now happening in the UK and overseas
    By the BBC and some of the mainstream media that are trying to hide their own skeletons in a closet and put their heads in the deep sinking sand of shame and filth
    I take my hat off to you for telling the truth and for going way; no other media would thank you from the deepness of my heart and thank you again

    1. Many thanks for the comment.

      - Aangirfan
