Tuesday 5 May 2015


Stolen ballot papers could have been used to help the Conservatives win in certain key marginal seats.

On 29 April 2015, the BBC reported that a van containing more than 200,000 ballot papers had been stolen.

The ballot papers had been printed in London and were heading for Hastings and Rye and Eastbourne - ahead of voting in the general election on 7 May.

Police said it was believed the van was parked in Longbridge Road, Dagenham, at about 19:30. The theft was discovered at about 06:25.

Stolen van held Hastings and Eastbourne ballot papers - BBC

Rob Ford, senior lecturer in politics at the University of Manchester, noticed that the Conservatives succeeded in concentrating their votes "in the seats where it counted."

"The Tory vote went up four points in the key marginals it was defending from Labour and in the marginals it was looking to win from the Liberal Democrats.

"Conservative support was flat or falling" in many other areas.

Labour had been expected to win in Hastings and Rye.

Hastings & Rye - Lord Ashcroft Polls.

In Hastings and Rye, the Conservative candidate Amber Rudd surprisingly won with 22,686 votes with Sarah Owen, Labour's candidate, receiving 17,890 votes.

Farage (left)

Many people claim that someone rigged the vote in Thanet South, where UKIP's Nigel Farage was defeated.

Many people cite:

1. The unusually long time it took for the votes to be counted.

Ballot papers going 'missing' for seven hours.

2. The UKIP success in the local elections in Thanet South, which were held at the same time.

In the General Election vote, UKIP's Farage lost by 2,812 votes to the Conservative candidate Craig Macinklay.

In the local election, Ukip gained overall control of Thanet council.


The 1970 general election was won, unexpectedly, by the Conservative Edward Heath, a frequent visitor to the island of Jersey.

If there was vote rigging in the 2015 election, the main purpose was to give David Cameron a majority.

Only in a limited number of marginal constituencies would the vote need to be rigged.

The Powers-That-Be would not have wanted to save Member of Parliament John Hemming.

Hemming had helped Leah McGrath Goodman, who has been investigating the Jersey child abuse and Haut de la Garenne.

Hemming lost his seat.

Conservative candidate Chloe Smith in Norwich North

In the constituency of Norwich North, Lord Ashcroft's opinion poll placed Labour ahead of the Conservatives.

On polling day, "fears of defeat were initially thought to be growing" in the camp of the Conservative candidate Chloe Smith.

Conservative Chloe Smith retains Norwich North seat..

During the vote count at Norwich North, the fire alarm went off, although there was apparently no evacuation.

There was a turnout of 67.8pc - up almost 3pc on 2010.

The Conservative Chloe Smith was announced as the winner with 19,052 votes, compared to second place Labour with 14,589 votes.

Vince Cable.

The Conservative Tania Mathias beat the Liberal-Democrat Vince Cable in Twickenham by 25,580 votes to 23,563.

Vince Cable is an enemy of Rupert Murdoch.

Rupert Murdoch supported the Scottish National Party (yellow) in Scotland and the Conservative Party (blue) in England.

The Powers-That-Be were angry with Labour for attacking Israel over its attack on Gaza.

Jews turn away from Ed Miliband's Labour Party. / Aangirfan: ED MILIBAND HIT BY TOP JEWS

The result of the May 2015 UK election

"At the recent Israeli general election, the polls got it wrong."

Elections can be rigged.


Labour's Foreign Affairs spokesman Douglas Alexander was defeated in Renfrewshite (Renfrewshire) South.

Douglas Alexander has opposed Israel and the USA over Syria..


The Conservative's Robert Halfon (above) has almost doubled his majority to retain this previously marginal seat.

Robert Halfon was born to a Jewish family living in Hampstead, London.[4][5]

His grandfather was an Italian Jew, living in Libya.

Robert Halfon has been the Political Director for Conservative Friends of Israel.

Hampstead & Kilburn

Tulip Siddiq has worked for Philip Gould Associates, MP Harry Cohen and the Obama campaign in the USA[1].

Tulip, the Labour candidate, is part of the Establishment.

Tulip held on to this marginal seat, which was once held by the Conservatives.

Labour, Tulip Siddiq: 44.4% share of the total vote.
+11.6% change in share of the votes

Conservative, Simon Marcus: 42.3% share of the total vote.
+9.6% change in share of the votes

Independent, Ronnie Carroll: 0.2% share of the total vote.


Dumfries & Galloway 

This is an SNP gain from Labour.

Scottish National Party, Richard Arkless: 41.4% share of the total vote
+29.1% change in share of the votes

Conservative: 29.9% share of the total vote
-1.7% change in share of the votes

Labour: 24.7% share of the total vote

Dumfries and Galloway was once a relatively safe Conservative seat, with the vast majority opposing independence.


Sheffield Hallam

The Liberal Democrats' Nick Clegg once worked for Sir Leon Brittan, who has been named as a child rapist.

Nick Clegg (above) has held onto his seat.

Nick Clegg: 22,215 votes.
-13.4% change in share of the votes

Labour: 19,862 votes.
+19.7% change in share of the votes

Conservatives: 7,544 total votes.

A City on a Rock - Goya (It's a forgery)

In the UK General election, the EXIT POLLS showed:

The Conservatives were expected to get 316 Members of Parliament, just short of a majority.

A party needs 326 MPs to have a majority.

Labour was expected to get 239 MPs.

The Liberal Democrats were expected to get only 10 MPs.

The Scottish Nationalists were expected to get 58 MPs.

Plaid Cymru 4, UKIP 2 and the Greens 2.

The EXIT POLLS conflict with the earlier OPINION POLLS which showed Conservatives and Labour neck and neck.

The final YouGov poll suggested:

Conservatives 284

Labour 263

John Major, who won the 1992 election, was involved in the 1991 Gulf War.

In the 1992 general election, both the exit polls and the opinion polls suggested a Labour win, and yet the Conservatives under John Major were declared the winners.

Was the 1992 election rigged?

From the beginning of 1992 campaign, the parties were neck and neck in the opinion polls, with Labour fractionally ahead. 

The commentators predicted a hung parliament.

The exit polls suggested a hung parliament.

The official result was: Conservatives 42.8 per cent of the vote, Labour 35.2 per cent.

The fire alarm goes off at the Scottish Referendum count in Dundee.

Labour leader Ed Miliband - opposed Israel and the banks.


  1. Please edit this post. There is no such party as the Scottish Nationalist Party. It is the Scottish National Party. So please refer to their candidates as Scottish National Party, SNP, or if you have to Scottish National.

    Thank you and love you work.

    1. Are you serious. Is that really an important comment to make. Who cares!!!

  2. Deception & cover ?

    Vote swapping sites expected to attract more than13,000 people on election day
    mirror.co.uk‎ - 2 days ago
    Thousands of people are expected to use 'vote swapping' websites ahead of Thursday's ...

    How it works

    The idea is simple. We want to let Green and Labour supporters swap votes in ways that boost both of their parties and gives the best possible chance of stopping the Conservatives from winning the election.http://voteswap.org/about/how

  3. Seeing the results today I can say with about 99.9999% certainty the election is rigged. Big surprise. Cameron is Zionist to the core and has a pedigree going back hundreds of years. The Banksters won't let their star pupil go that easily. You must be joking. LOL

  4. I agree, the only thing that could keep the status quo would be the tories recieving a historic majority, whoopiedoo, and it just happens, every major poll was "wrong" and the general explanation to this is: People are ashamed to admit they are conservative? I mean, does that really make any sense?

    I could see people saying they do not want to answer the question in polls, but outright lying?

    We are in times where the general public is extremely discontent with the status quo leadership and they really want us to believe that discontent people will want MORE of what makes them discontent to begin with?

    I have lost what little faith I had in politics to beginn with, I say scr*w democracy, it is worse than dictatorship.
    While they seemingly both have the same resoults, at least the latter is honest about what it is.

    1. Also the "Shy Tories" explanation being touted by corporate poodles like Andrew Neil and Nick Robinson doesn't remotely stack up - even on its own terms. By common consent the Tories were a much more socially divisive brand in the Thatcher era - yet in those days the polls were never out by much - even though polling techniques were far less sophisticated than they are now. Also the supposedly infallible exit polls make the idea of "shy Tories" completely redundant since the new type of exit poll is confidential and involves no person to person communication of voting intentions. Yet even the exit poll was out by a country mile.

  5. You got it wrong about Dumfries & Galloway.... Dumfriesshire was the only tory seat held in scotland. When you make a mistake like that makes you wonder about the accuracy of the rest.....

    1. The Conservatives won the 'Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale' seat.

      The Scottish National party won the 'Dumfries and Galloway' seat.

  6. Very well put together, definite signs of a common thread there. These ultra-leftist MPs who serve Big Jew in so many ways still fall short in the end. Do they even wonder about these things?

    "Shy Tories"? Why? Under Cameron and Scottish lezzie Ruth they're all hip to the Left's favourite obsession and they also insult UKIP. Unless they're ashamed to admit it BECAUSE they have become so 'socially' left-wing but still persist with the illusion that voting CONservative will somehows stop the long march of the extreme Left who now largely rule over everything?

    As for the SNP, just call them fake nationalists because that is exactly what they are.

    Media promoted Sturgeon before election, then she wins almost every seat in Scotland. Cameron is unpopular because of the bedroom tax and unpopular with Conservatives because of 'gay' marriage yet they all vote for him in droves, making it look like his 'socially liberal' Conservatism is popular? Seems conveniently rigged to me. Just like making it look like supporting Israel increases your popularity and vice versa.

  7. There's also the small matter of the van containing over 200,000 ballot papers that was held up in Dagenham at the end of April. The voting slips were destined for key constituencies in the southeast of England. According to media reports, police said the fact that the van contained this massive number of ballot papers was "pure coincidence", and the papers themselves were not thought to be the target of the hold up. But of course... Strangely, no report I've seen indicates what WAS thought to be the target of this mysterious crime. The Murdoch empire's close connections to criminal elements in the police are well-documented - and as you point out both the English Tory and Scottish SNP wins represent a great triumph for the Dirty Digger. And of course Cameron himself has extremely close personal and political connections to News International and its former senior employees. Very conveniently for the neocon establishment, in spite of their huge win, the SNP will wield no game-changing power over events at Westminster. By the way, how does a country in September overwhelmingly reject independence "for a generation" and seven short months later give the party that single-handedly instigated that push for independence an almost clean sweep in the general election? Some mistake surely?

  8. Yesterday when I typed "British election rigged" into the Bing search engine one of the first results to come up was from "Seemorerocks" featuring a woman from Hastings explaining how in her view the 200,000 ballot papers stolen in Dagenham were used to rig key southeast England constituencies. Just now, when I typed the same words in, that video had completely disappeared - no matter how many pages I searched (it's still available through a google search - or was the last time I checked). Likewise on the night of the count I looked at Ian Crane's discussion with Thomas Sheridan of vote fraud in the Scottish referendum. The next day that had disappeared from a Bing search as well. That the powers that be appear to be very hastily removing items relating to election and referendum fraud from internet searches constitutes powerful evidence in itself of massive and systemic rigging.

    1. Very true! The search engines increasingly hide the crimes of the spooks!

  9. https://www.change.org/p/queen-elizabeth-of-britain-revoke-the-rigged-7th-may-2015-general-election/u/10740921

    ^ This has also become very hard to find...

  10. The vote on proportional representation,the scottish referendum,and the 2015 general election were all rigged. The ballot boxes at the voting places were not the same ones at the counting places. They had boxes with added or subtracted voting papers. All carefully and secretly orchestrated by the establishment,who felt the peasants couldnt be trusted with voting for the 'right' candidate that would keep their gravy train on the right tracks. The wonderful thing is,is that they have shot themselves in the foot,because all theyve done is give the Tories enough rope with which to hang themselves,and they will,just you watch. If anyone wants a sure fire tip,go and put money on either 5 Tory mp's having to resign within the first two years,or,a general election to be called before 2020.
