Wednesday 25 September 2024


( 9 May 2024)

Andrew Bridgen: Yesterday, only weeks after admitting to the serious side effects from its product, AstraZeneca withdrew its covid-19 vaccine worldwide. Like millions in the UK and over 700 million people worldwide, I took the AstraZeneca jab, based on the Government’s assurance that it was “safe and effective”, and I suffered side effects.

Mystery of Andrew Bridgen’s vanishing votes

"AFTER 14 years as MP for North West Leicestershire, former Conservative Andrew Bridgen lost his seat in spectacular fashion at the general election in July with an implausible 95 per cent decrease in votes...

"He exposed the Horizon Post Office scandal, fought for recognition for the covid vaccine injured and bereaved, and ...

"To drop from 63 per cent of the vote to 3.2 per cent ... seems implausible. Bridgen said: ‘After the election people were coming up to me, and still are, saying, “I voted for you, my whole family voted for you. What happened?”’

"Compare Bridgen’s 2024 result with that of former Labour MP George Galloway, now leader of the Workers Party of Britain. In 2003, Galloway left Labour to become independent and in March 2024 won a landslide by-election in Rochdale with 12,335 votes, almost 6,000 more than any other candidate. He lost the general election four months later to Labour’s Paul Waugh...

"Bridgen thinks that the vote could have been tampered with, a suggestion strenuously denied by North West Leicestershire District Council (NWLDC) which has responsibility for collecting and counting the votes...

It looked rigged in Scotland where certain polls had predicted 'Rothschild's man' (Starmer) would lose and the SNP would win?

"The market research company Ipsos-MORI conduct exit polls ... they cancelled the North West Leicestershire exit poll with no explanation, removing any chance to check voters’ candidate preference...

"Bridgen questioned the time it took to count the vote. The ballot boxes took around 25 minutes to reach Whitwick and Coalville Leisure Centre, a central location in the constituency, where the ballot papers were counted.

"Polling stations closed at 10pm and Allison Thomas, CEO of the council and returning officer for the constituency, said they would not begin the count until 2am – a four-hour time lag...

" NWLDC appointed Ms Thomas as CEO in August 2022. In April 2023, after he had been expelled from the Conservative Party, Bridgen said: ‘I was informed that the whole of the election services department had resigned en masse, on a Friday, and they’d been replaced by a new team... 

"Bridgen ... challenged the World Health Organization’s power grab, continued to highlight the government’s gross ineptitude and handling of the covid pandemic, and they finally kicked him out after Matt Hancock accused him of anti-Semitism, clearly twisting his  words. 


  1. Interesting article. After reading the full article (including the link to Craig Smiths' piece on Bridgen the conspiracy theorist), any sane person would question what happened to his votes - I certainly did at the time.

    However, I also factored in that irrespective of his obvious collapse at the ballot box and losing his deposit, his constituents (like every where else in the country) would be about 90% vaccinated. Therefore it wouldn't be beyond the realm of possibility that the brain-dead public rounded on him and withdrew their vote.

    When factoring in abject retardation and stupidity, anything is possible. However, that said, I genuinely believe that there does seem to be indiscretion rather than stupidity at play.

    Not very subtle though when a man with a transnational reputation, universally popular and a loud voice suddenly disappeared in the fashion that he did.

    Looks like B A U for the fake Uniparty.





  6. usurer uniparty augurs folk-death of indigenous British



  9. What is forgotton is that Bridgen was at the vanguard of the jab campaign,proudly sitting there with his sleeve rolled up. How many people died or were maimed due to his example?

    1. Great comment. Dr John Campbell was in the queue behind them.

      Once the damage was done we can the 'throw out' all the facts when it's too late.


  11. You vote for blue for tradition and the illusion of stability. You vote for red for social rights and the illusion of change. Yellow is a protest buffer vote. Only blue and red can win. Yet, red is always moving closer to blue to capture the golden section of centrism. These colours are all owned and operated by the same force. You talk about rigged yet the a priori condition is you are only offered owned and formulated choices from which your selection is already determined according to the a posteriori response to the incumbent colour. Chaos is provided by Starmer's Labour as one of its first policies was to deprive the elderly poor of heating while publicizing the corrupted privilege of the party to order new radiators at offices in the House of Commons while simultaneously hyper-publicizing croneyism and cash donation/privilege corruption. This is deliberate demolition of the incumbent party. The conclusion is that they wish to crash the system.
