Wednesday 14 August 2024

The moment the United States cuts off military aid to Israel the bombs will stop falling and the troops will withdraw


Unknown -

“The two of us are humanitarian surgeons …

“We’re used to working in disaster and war zones, of being on intimate terms with death and carnage and despair …

“None of that prepared us for what we saw in Gaza …

“The European Hospital is located at the southeastern edge of Khan Younis …

“It is likely the safest and best-resourced city block in the entire Gaza Strip — and yet its horrors defy description …

“While touring the hospital we … started seeing a series of children, preteens mostly, who’d been shot in the head …

“Their families told us one of two stories: the children were playing inside when they were shot by Israeli forces, or they were playing in the street when they were shot by Israeli forces …

“Among the medical staff who survived the assaults on the Shifa and Indonesian Hospitals, many were taken from those hospitals by the Israeli military …

“In captivity, they were barely fed, continuously abused and ultimately dumped naked on the side of a road …

“The moment the United States cuts off military aid to Israel the bombs will stop falling and the troops will withdraw …”


  1. New details of the September 2022 Nordstream pipeline bombing - that caused tens of billions of losses and perhaps irreparable damage to the Germany and European economies - are being set out in media, after a major German police and intelligence investigation

    The claim is that the sabotage was carried out by a 6-person Ukrainian crew including expert divers, renting a 50-foot yacht, the Andromeda, using logistical support from Poland

    The claim is that the CIA, learning of the plan from Dutch intelligence, tried to veto it. And that eventually Ukraine President Zelensky, who had at first approved the plan, at the end tried to stop it from being carried out; but the plan went ahead, it is reported, under then-commander-in-chief of Ukraine, General Valerii Zaluzhnyi, who is at present Ambassador of Ukraine to the United Kingdom in London.

    'Ukraine's top general disobeyed Zelenskyy and blew up the Nord Stream pipeline without permission, report says'

    Wall Street Journal article (paywall), here readable in archive version

    Polish port personnel alerted police there was something suspicious about the boat, but authorities let the boat sail on. Explosives residue was reported found on the boat afterwards.

    Recently, Germany issued an arrest warrant for a Ukrainian in Poland said to be involved, but it was not acted upon, and the person seems to have escaped back in Ukraine with the rest of the boat crew.

    Polish media adds the further report that the former chief of German intelligence, accuses Poland's President Duda of pushing for the bombing to go ahead, impeding Zelensky from vetoing the plan in a timely and effective manner. And so the blame for Germany's economic destruction thus to be ascribed jointly to Ukraine and Poland.

  2. Polish media link re Nordstream
