Tuesday 6 August 2024


The Zionist Tommy Robinson on an Israeli tank.

UK RIOTS - Who wants the UK to be like Netanyahu's Israel?

'X has been accused of refusing to delete racist comments while allowing controversial activists such as Tommy Robinson and Andrew Tate back on the platform.

'The false claim that a Muslim asylum seeker was the suspect in the Southport stabbings was first made on X.' ...

'Robinson was stoking the race riots with a series of video rants on X while he was on holiday in Cyprus.'

Tommy Robinson seizes on Elon Musk's tweet taunting Keir Starmer about grooming gangs - amid worsening war of words between billionaire X owner and PM

Which group is behind the Southport stabbings?

Which group kills lots of kids?

Jews, such as Tommy Robinson, are leading the Alt-Right & 'White' Nationalists

Tommy Robinson's real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon and he is Jewish.

"Tommy Robinson is part of the Kosher Crusader crowd ... being financed by various Jewish sources.

"Tommy Robinson and the English Defense League are paid jewish puppets and controlled opposition."

Investigation Reveals Tommy Robinson’s ‘Right Wing’ Financial Support is Jewish

The Zionist Tommy Robinson on an Israeli tank.

The Zionist Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon, also known as Tommy Robinson, and also known as Andrew McMaster and also known as Paul Harris,[4] co-founded the English Defence League (EDL)[10] and the European Defence League, and became involved with the development of Pegida UK.

Some might accuse him of being 'a Jewish Nazi'.


  1. https://www.rt.com/news/602246-czech-ukraine-looting-bucha/

  2. https://x.com/david_r_morgan/status/1820846641202487622?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1820846641202487622%7Ctwgr%5Ef9622725593273423aa01124ca591452a8cfef1b%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fdavidicke.com%2F2024%2F08%2F07%2Fthe-androgynous-link-between-zionism-and-the-transgender-cult%2F

  3. Keir Starmer’s ultra-Zionist advisor threatens ‘Covid-style lockdowns’ to stop protests

    “British Prime Minister Keir Starmer has vowed to impose ‘Covid-style lockdowns’ to stomp out anti-immigrant protests …

    “… [Government] advisor on political violence, Baron Walney, John Woodcock **, [argued] that the government should consider a coronavirus-style lockdown …

    “‘… [The] British public will back them in whatever measures they feel is necessary to get this situation under control’, Lord Walney [said].

    “‘Back in Covid, they were prepared to back measures that were needed in that situation and I think they would take a similar approach to keeping rioters off the streets now …’”


    ** Baron Walney, John Woodcock, who may or may not be Jewish, is an ultra Zionist former chair of Labour Friends of Israel.

    He was part of a consortium that put in a bid to purchase the assets of The Jewish Chronicle.

    “[In 2011] he travelled to Israel on a trip funded by LFI, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Portland Trust …

    “During his time as an MP, Woodcock also accepted funding from the Australia Israel Cultural Exchange, a group established in 2003 by the then Israeli foreign minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and his Australian counterpart …

    “In January [2024], Woodcock visited Israel as part of a parliamentary delegation organised by the European Leadership Network (ELNET UK), with flights and accommodation paid for by the organisation.”

    Woodcock has suggested that anti-genocide protesters “should be forced to pay towards policing costs and be treated like ‘sectarian parades in Northern Ireland’”.


  4. Starmer adviser calls for 'Covid-style' response to rioting across Britain


  5. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/08/06/middleeast/israeli-minister-smotrich-starve-gazans-intl/index.html
