Tuesday 20 August 2024

'Piers Morgan STUNNED When Scientist Proved God'

Unknown commented -


Dr Steven Meyer on Piers Morgan (with a grown up discussion) about -

Darwinian evolution and how it's a bit last century.

Quite refreshing.


  1. About 28 year ago I learned that the scientific arena is NOT populated with well meaning people striving for truth and the best science together. It turned out to be an extremely hierarchical and competitive world where "intelligent" people will do ANYTHING for degrees, grand-money and being published. The ideal environment for wealthy interest groups to reach a desired "scientific" result. To protect the status the science community started to think inside this box and religiously protecting that box.

    With climate science and covid this has become very obvious. But the same is true for deep sea, Arctic, Antarctic and space. The subjects where unsurprisingly, there is complete consensus all over the world.

    In this case, they agree on the Big Bang theory but now debate if Nothing or Something triggered it.

    It might come as a surprise but Gravitation Pull, to this day is ASSUMED and has not yet been proven!

    Yet they discus Big Bang as if it is real and make us believe that Atheist and Theists agree on it only to debate nothing or Something.

    With all the hoaxes there is always an official and the alternative story maintained by the same interest.
    - 9/11: Inside job (but planes did fly into building),
    - The Vax should not be mandated (but COVID is real)
    - JFK: The Mobsters/Bankster/CIA did it) but JFK died.

    In reality
    -> 9/11 was controlled demolition and no one died that day.
    -> Covid was rebranded flu
    ->JFK was not killed at all (Miles Mathis http://mileswmathis.com/barindex2.pdf)

    and the earth can not be a spinning ball in infinite space

    greetings and wisdom to you all

    1. "and the earth can not be a spinning ball in infinite space

      greetings and wisdom to you all"

      Correct. The earth is an oblate spheroid and is spinning at 1000 mph. How do I know this is true??? Neil Tyson DeGrasse said so - therefore it's true.

      I also know I can walk upside down in Australia because gravity keeps me firmly on the ground.

      Despite water being level and completely flat (using the whole of known science to prove this) at its surface.......that proves it is absolutely curved - like we've been told. Anyone can see this just by looking.....the flatter it is, the more curved water you have.

      Science anyone????

  2. What do you think? Do you even think? Turns out 70% of people have no internal dialog at all, are they just reactionary meat sacks?

    The 30% of us who do think (i.e. have an internal dialog) also corresponds to ~30% who refused the jabs.
    That 30% figure also corresponds to the ~30% who stood up to the authority figure in the Milgram experiments.

    If the jab refusers represent the already 'awake' is there any point trying to wake the masses, if the 30% figure is accurate we already reached 100% of the critical thinkers... how depressing LOL

    The author has some good posts on Gnosis you mite enjoy as he exlpores spirituality.


  3. https://katu.com/amp/news/nation-world/adam-andrzejewski-renowned-government-watchdog-passes-away

  4. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13765939/murder-miner-alfred-swinscoe-inquest-nottingham.html

  5. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13765939/murder-miner-alfred-swinscoe-inquest-nottingham.html

  6. https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/06/reports/leslie-wexners-inner-demon/

  7. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13758845/Billionaire-tech-tycoon-Mike-Lynchs-defendant-fraud-trial-DIES-hospital-hit-car-Saturday-days-British-Bill-Gates-went-missing-superyacht-sank-coast-Sicily-sparking-huge-search-effort.html
