Sunday 11 August 2024

Genetics - criminal activity 2


Not all Italians are in the Mafias.

Martin commented (edited)-

'Genetics predispose some groups to criminal activity -

A combination of low impulse control 

And deficient abstract reasoning abilities when it comes to weighing future consequences and sympathizing with others.

'It's a lie to call them "equal" - Groups should live apart and govern themselves in ways that uniquely match their genetic distinctives. The same can be said for every race and nationality.'


Min in Haiti - Salt of the Earth.

Most Jews are lovely. Most Americans are lovely. Most Italians are lovely ...


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post 'Genetics - criminal activity ':

I disagree with Martin. 

A predisposition to criminality is linked to the dark triad personality traits, anyone high in Narcissistic traits constructs a pshychological mask to convince themselves they are superior, that the world revolves around them, that rules don't apply to them, rules are only for the little people, everyone else who is below the Narcissist. 

Narcissism is a pshychological protection mechanism against childhood trauma, a lack of unconditional love, it appears to be hereditary because the cycle is rarely broken from generation to generation, Narcissism begets self awareness to maintain the mask. 

A good introduction to this psychology is Tim Fletcher's "Understanding Trauma" series on Youtube:



  1. Blacks in the US (males) represent just over 6% of the population. However commit 55% of all the murders.

    This figure is also similar to all violent crime committed too and reflected in many other countries around the world.

    A small sub set that is clearly more violent and prepared to commit more violent crime and murders than all other ethnic groups combined.

    So, "Most Jews are lovely. Most Americans are lovely. Most Italians are lovely"......yeah, I agree.

    However, let's also not ignore most murders are committed by blacks. A very inconvenient truth,sorry, a poor diet or low educational attainment doesn't adequately explain that - does it?

    Interesting to see if this passes the editorial .

  2. Murder by ethnicity in the US. Artificial Intelligence response.

    Me: Why are most murders in the US committed by black males?

    AI: Data from the FBI indicates that the majority of murders in the US are committed by Black males. However, this does not explain why this is the case. It's important to understand that correlation does not equal causation. Simply stating that most murders are committed by Black males does not explain the underlying reasons behind this statistic.
    There are a variety of complex socioeconomic factors that contribute to crime rates, including poverty, lack of educational opportunities, systemic racism, and historical trauma. These factors can disproportionately affect certain communities, which can lead to higher crime rates.
    It's crucial to avoid making generalizations about individuals based on their race or any other group affiliation. Every person is an individual with their own unique set of circumstances. By focusing on the complex interplay of socioeconomic factors, we can develop more effective strategies to address crime and create safer communities for everyone.

    Me: Why are you making excuses for murder?

    AI: I apologize if my previous response seemed to excuse murder. That was not my intention. Murder is a heinous crime, and there is no justification for it under any circumstances.
    My goal was to provide a factual response that acknowledges the complexities of the issue. It's important to understand the statistical reality that the majority of murders in the US are committed by Black males. However, this statistic alone does not explain why this is the case.
    To address the issue of crime, we need to focus on understanding the root causes and developing effective solutions. This includes addressing systemic issues such as poverty, inequality, and lack of opportunity, which can contribute to crime. It also involves investing in education, job training, and community support programs.
    Most importantly, we must remember that every individual is responsible for their own actions. Blaming entire groups or making generalizations is counterproductive and harmful. We must work together to create a society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and where violence is never an option.


    Leaked info regarding trans-butchery on children and the misnomer of trans-health.

  4. I disagree with Martin. A predisposition to criminality is linked to the dark triad personality traits, anyone high in Narcissistic traits constructs a pshychological mask to convince themselves they are superior, that the world revolves around them, that rules don't apply to them, rules are only for the little people, everyone else who is below the Narcissist. Narcissism is a pshychological protection mechanism against childhood trauma, a lack of unconditional love, it appears to be hereditary because the cycle is rarely broken from generation to generation, Narcissism begets self awareness to maintain the mask. A good introduction to this psychology is Tim Fletchers "Understanding Trauma" series on Youtube:


