Friday 2 August 2024

Corporate Media REGURGITATES Zionist LIES With Briahna Joy Gray


  1. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin revokes plea deal for accused Sept. 11 plotters

    ‘Austin assumes direct oversight of the case and puts the death penalty back on the table’


    “In January 2023, Austin declared that ‘America's commitment to Israel's security is ironclad. It is not negotiable, And it never will be.”

    “On October 13, 2023 … Austin said: ‘I am here in person to make something crystal-clear: America's support for Israel is ironclad.’”

    “On December 2, 2023, Austin stated that ‘the United States will remain Israel’s closest friend in the world. Our support for Israel’s security is non-negotiable. And it never will be.’”

    “On December 18, 2023, Austin declared that American support for Israel is ‘unshakeable.’”

    “On April 9, 2024, Austin [said] the Pentagon had no evidence that Israel was carrying out a genocide …”

    “On November 13, 2023, Defence for Children International, Al-Haq, and Palestinians living in Gaza and the United States, represented by the Center for Constitutional Rights, filed a lawsuit against Lloyd Austin, President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken for failure to prevent genocide …

    “The court dismissed the case on January 31, 2024, ruling that while ‘it is plausible that Israel's conduct amounts to genocide’, US foreign policy was a political question over which courts lacked jurisdiction.”


    1. Problem Reaction Solution

      More Hegelian Dialect and fake Far Right tripe.

  3. Kamala Harris, likely next President of the USA, her husband Jewish Doug Emhoff, is reported as about to pick Jewish Governor of Pennsylvania Josh Shapiro as her Vice President running mate

    Matt Margolis and Zero Hedge report -

    In younger days Josh Shapiro wrote that he thought 'peace between Arabs and Israelis is virtually impossible', given 'belligerent Arabs ... too battle-minded to establish a peaceful homeland' ... tho now Gov. Shapiro declares support for a 'two-state solution'

    In his youth, Shapiro also worked on a kibbutz and volunteered to work on an Isael Defence Forces military base, as his spokesman told the Times of Israel ... this was recently 'scrubbed from Wikipedia'

    Josh Shapiro is implicated in what many see as a cover-up of a murder involving wealthy Jewish families in Pennsylvania

    Ellen Greenberg - fiancé of TV producer Samuel Goldberg - was found dead in 2011, stabbed 10 times in the chest and 10 times in the back

    Although investigators immediately viewed this as a murder, Josh Shapiro, then Attorney General of Pennsylvania, joined in quickly changing this, and declaring the death a 'suicide'

    The victim's family and investigators spent huge time and resources pursuing the matter, and the matter is now being re-opened by Pennsylvania courts

    'There's a feeling that the 911 [emergency call] by Ellie Greenberg's fiancé ]Sam Goldberg] was rehearsed ... Ellie Greenberg's fiancé told the 911 operator that Ellie slipped and hit her head'

    'Ellen Greenberg case updates'

    'Parents’ $500K investigation of Pa. woman’s ‘suicide’ uncovers clues they say point to murder'

  4. Correction on earlier Josh Shapiro comment

    Josh Shapiro entered the Ellen Greenberg case a few years after the suspicious death, when he became Attorney General of Pennsylvania in 2017 ... tho his office did endorse the 'suicide' declaration, and then after several years referred the case back to regional authorities in Philadelphia. Shapiro then became Pennsylvania governor in 2023.
