Friday 23 August 2024

CHRIST IS NOT A PERSON: The Powerful Knowledge that Was Hidden from You ✨


  1. Just to assuage the egos of anyone that identifies as Christian, Jesus is/was real. Jesus (had) Christ and was himself Christ Conscious.

    As the video suggests we all have Christ, unfortunately however, it is locked behind a door of ignorance.

    Introspection involves not only internal examination but also external. Realising how you/we got here, the world in which we live is critical to unlock the doors of our perception.

    If ever you believe in Darwinism, dinosaurs or blind chance, just remember the door to Christ is (and will remain) locked.

    Good luck with the journey.

  2. There are plenty of non Christian sources that confirm Jesus was a real person who claimed to be the Jew's prophesied messiah, the Son of God. However, all the accounts and information about his life and teachings come fron Christian sources such as the gospels. To accept the gnostic and non Christian interpretations such as Christ conciseness etc is just believing in made up nonsense. There's no need to accept counterfeit explanations when there is a wealth of history and knowledge that is based on the true source material. Fir anyone reading who Is in any doubt about this, Orthodox Christianity has yhe answers you seek. I'd start by reading Bishop Kallisotos Ware - The Orthodox Way to start on yhe journey to Biblical tr I truth, and stop relying on occult and atheistic understandings of Christ and his tru identity. Peace and love to all.

  3. Christ is about Our Lord and Our Lady.

    The Sun!

    Nova cycle starts again, soon. You will need all that inner strength then!

  4. He's real. He's the King of Kings and we are in the Little Season. There are no tribulations, rapture and second coming in this time. We are close to Gog and Magog and the Great White Throne. The old chestnut that "Christ consciousness" can be attained by anyone accessing 5D waveforms after magically detaching from "the matrix controlled by archons" is a very old gnostic lie.
