Sunday 21 July 2024


David Lammy (left)

Anonymous - 

Revealed: Foreign Secretary David Lammy chartered a £10,000 per hour private jet for a two-day visit to Israel

David Lammy, whose wife, Nicola Green, has Jewish ancestry, is listed as a parliamentary supporter of ‘Labour Friends of Israel’.

Lammy also supports the ‘very Jewish’ Fabian Society (logo: a Wolf in sheep’s clothing), whom he addressed in January.

Lammy said:

“A New World Disorder, Fabians … From Ukraine to Gaza …

“Ernie Bevin … brought us the NATO alliance … and fought for a nuclear bomb …

“… I admire Ernie …

“… [In] my first 100 days, I will travel to Kyiv … [to] begin work on a pathway towards Ukraine’s NATO membership …”

Besides the Zionist David Lammy, other Fabians include -

Britain’s 'Zionist-bankrolled' Chancellor, Rachel Reeve, who may or may not have Jewish ancestry; the radical Zionist overseer of Britain’s post 9/11 role in illegal rendition and third-country torture, Jack Straw; 

the radical Zionist former editor of The Jewish Chronicle, Stephen Pollard; Jeffrey Epstein’s partner, the radical Rothschild-Zionist Lord Mandelson

the 9/11 coverup merchant and radical Zionist Tony Blair; Margaret Hodge, the radical Zionist at the heart of the Islington Council child abuse outrage; and the BP oilman who founded the sinister political grooming operation the British-American Project: Nick Butler.

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