Thursday 25 July 2024

“The suspended [Labour MPs] … had the temerity to vote for an SNP motion to scrap the benefit cap.”

 PAUL KNAGGS: Keir Starmer suspended 7 Labour MPs for daring to vote against his ‘cruel’ two-child benefit cap

‘Does Starmer put the UK first?’

“The suspended [Labour MPs] … had the temerity to vote for an SNP motion to scrap the benefit cap.”

“While [Keir Starmer] proclaims, with the hollow righteousness of a modern-day Pharisee, ‘Country First, Party Second,’ we have to ask: which country?

“Certainly not the United Kingdom, where his policies paint a grim picture of misplaced priorities and callous indifference …

“It seems in Starmer’s Labour, foreign military adventures trump feeding hungry British children every time …”

1 comment:

  1. You should see these:
