Monday 8 July 2024

The 'right-wing' 'Patriots for Europe'

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Jordan Bardella has been named to head the brand new, but already third-largest European Parliament group, the right-wing 'Patriots for Europe'

“We want to reshape the European Union, we want to ensure that asylum is not abused, and we want peace on our doorstep”, Harald Vilimsky (Austria’s FPÖ) said.

The new party has swallowed the previous Identity and Democracy Group and expanded significantly larger, in just a few days gathering many national parties. The party grouping already includes:

Hungary's Fidesz led by Viktor Orbán
France's National Rally of Jordan Bardella / Marine Le Pen
Netherlands' PVV led by Geert Wilders
Italy's Lega led by Matteo Salvini

Czechia's ANO led by former Czech PM Andrej Babiš
Austria's FPÖ Freedom Party
Portugal's Chega!

Spain's VOX
Denmark's People's Party
Belgium's Vlaams Belang

'Jordan Bardella to lead new far-right EU Parliament group'

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