Monday 15 July 2024

Scottish Vote Rigging



  1. Anti-genocide activists lay a Palestine flag on the cenotaph in London and spray-paint '180,000 killed' next to it; two women arrested

    The “180,000 dead” claim is a reference to a letter published recently by the Lancet arguing that, if 38,000 people have been directly killed in Gaza as a result of the war, experience from other conflicts suggests that, if indirect deaths are included, “it is not implausible to estimate” that 186,000 people have been killed.

  2. Police ’unresponsive’ to multiple shouted warnings from ‘SEVERAL’ spectators about a gunman on roof

    “[A] video on X, reported by New York Post, shows several people pointing at Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, as he climbed on to the roof of a manufacturing plant about 400 feet from where Trump was speaking …

    “‘Look they’re all pointing’, a person is heard saying in the video, as several people point and watch Crooks, who can be seen rolling on the roof and crawling forward on his hands and knees.

    “‘Yeah, someone’s up on the top of the roof. There he is right there’, the person says.

    “Others are heard saying: ‘Right here, right on the roof.’

    “One person is heard shouting ‘officer’ and others say ‘he’s on the roof’ while pointing.

    “Trump can be heard giving his remarks in the background.

    “During the video, police officers appeared largely unresponsive to the onlookers’ concerns.”
