Thursday 11 July 2024

President of World Jewish Congress calls for long PRISON sentences GLOBALLY for antisemitism.



🇮🇱 President of World Jewish Congress calls for long PRISON sentences GLOBALLY for antisemitism.

"All world leaders, all politicians must lead in this effort. Laws must be passed, severe tough real laws that will put these hate mongers away in prison for a long time."



  1. Yep.

    I noticed he left out any punishment for anti-Catholic thoughts. So, I suspect the usual suspects will find that exclusion an example of balanced justice.


  3. Swiss right seeks to block Eurovision’s ‘celebration of satanism and occultism’

    “Conservative groups are threatening to block Switzerland from hosting next year’s Eurovision by forcing budget referendums on potential host cities, saying the song contest is a ‘propaganda event’ that ‘celebrates satanism and occultism’ …

    “The cities of Zurich, Geneva, Bern and Basel have all filed applications to host the five-day spectacle.

    “The Christian conservative Federal Democratic Union of Switzerland (EDU) party [has] said it will seek to make use of the country’s direct democracy system to put the bidding cities’ loan applications to the vote …

    “Samuel Kullmann, a senior EDU politician, [said] his party was disturbed by Eurovision’s increasing ‘celebration, or at least tolerance of … satanism and occultism’,

    “‘More and more artists present openly occultist messages and underline them with respective symbols’, he said …

    “The Irish singer Bambie Thug’s stage show at the 2024 contest involved a devil-like horned dancer and a circle of candles containing a pentagram …”

  4. Researchers fear Israel on course to kill 186,000 Palestinians in Gaza

    “Even if Israel’s bombing campaign were to stop, the death toll in Gaza is expected to soar.

    “A letter published in the medical journal the Lancet claims that the final figure could eventually be around 186,000 …

    “I spoke to two co-authors of the Lancet letter, Salim Yusuf and Rasha Khatib … the lead author of the study and a clinical epidemiologist …

    “Khatib fears that the war in Gaza could have the highest indirect death rate of any conflict in recent history …

    “Genocidal acts include inflicting ‘conditions of life’ that are intended to bring about the destruction of a group — in other words, indirect deaths must be considered, too …”

  5. CRAIG MURRAY: The election where nothing changed

    “What exactly has changed as a result of that election, other than a different team of snouts in the trough?

    “Starmer’s first act as Prime Minister of the UK was to attend a NATO warmonger fest and promise unlimited resources to keep the terrible and unwinnable war in the Ukraine going.

    “In addition he is pledging to increase UK ‘Defence’ spending to 2.5% of GDP, or over £18 billion a year extra — a massive bonanza for the arms industry.

    “Let us be absolutely plain that this is not ‘defence’.

    “There is no country which has any plan or even vague intention to invade the UK …

    “Russia and China in particular have no intention whatsoever of attacking the UK …

    “Our ‘defence’ expenditure is geared to attacking other countries …

    “Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen to name but a few.

    “We are currently attacking Russia by proxy …

    “… [When] did a Russian missile last land on British soil?

    “The answer is never.

    “Yet Starmer has just announced we are explicitly sending Ukraine missiles capable of striking inside Russia …

    “All of this money dedicated to destroying human beings is a firm pledge by Labour.

    “There is however no firm pledge of anything for the NHS beyond further ‘reform’, which means piecemeal privatisation.

    “There is no firm pledge for anything that does not kill people …

    “Amazingly, Labour are more in thrall to the private healthcare lobby, more in thrall to the armaments lobby, and more in thrall to the Israel lobby …”

  6. Zionism as the one world religion coming to you soon.

  7. Firstly, those "JEWS" are NOT Semites and secondly NO GOVERNMENT can pass a TRUE LAW.It can only pass Mandates, Orders, Regulations etc.which in TRUTH only Govern CORPORATIONS. Humans are GOVERNED by NATURAL and COMMON LAW.Period. Britain, Dominion of Canada,Australia and the Republic of united States of America are ALL COMMON LAW countries. When People finally WAKE UP they will learn that FACT and then REFUSE to OBEY their so called and JEWISH GOVERNMENTS and then DEMAND their Governments OBEY the PEOPLE and STOP expecting the People to OBEY those insane RULES created and promoted by FAKE JEWS.

  8. Is Israel's, a Jewish nation, slaughter of Palestinians an overt, outward expression of repressed occultism and satanism at the core of their religion?
