Saturday 27 July 2024

KAMALA HARRIS - the winds have shifted ...

Unknown -

It's now suggested Trump's ear was nicked only by a shard from a teleprompter that was hit

Trump may be saying silly things on purpose, under a covert deal to shift the win to Kamala Harris

A deal like this: Kamala becomes President, and issues pardons for Trump, pardons for Bidens, pardons for the 6 Jan 2021 US Capitol protestors ... 'healing America'

Powers that be, were likely surprised at how well the Kamala gambit is working, but elites adapted fast, and media has shifted abruptly ... Kamala seems as if a 'fresh face' now

USA may be like Britain - also with escalating poverty - where people voted Labour just in hope of some economic relief

Kamala Harris is economic 'far left' like Bernie Sanders, who was cheated in 2016 in favour of the losing Hillary

Kamala's Democrats are talking about 'ending medical debt' in the USA, often tens or hundreds of thousands for a family - and have been already providing some 'student debt cancellation' of the tens and hundreds of thousands burdening USA ex-students after graduation

Browsing internet forums which have many Trump voters, you can tell the winds have shifted ... the good memes are for 'brat' Kamala, Trump and his VP pick are getting crushed in the 'meme wars' ... Kamala hailed as America's upcoming kind 'mommy' or 'Mamala'

Short video from 2001 ... A moment of charity-event glamour for Kamala, then age 36, with a TV personality she briefly dated, Montel Williams, the other woman being Montel's daughter Ashley

1 comment:

  1. Even right-wing Fox News is showing Kamala's stronger-than-Trump polls now in the key 'swing states'.

    Surveillance billionaire Peter Thiel, with all the data from his Palantir spook operation, is reportedly backing off of Trump.

    Elon Musk, who had the misfortune to go all-in endorsing Trump just before Kamala's candidacy burst forth, is flailing at her, calling her 'Shambala' and posting nonsense 'deepfake parody' clips with things Kamala did not really say.

    Seymour Hersh strangely declared Kamala is 'only on probation' by Democrats, this bizarre given how Kamala broke all fund-raising records by garnering $200 million for Democrats in just a few days.

    Trump's running-mate pick J D Vance is destructively scorning childless women voters. Hard to see Trump bouncing back.

    In current circumstances, Kamala and her easy laughter are conveying a personal warmth that is simply winning, against Trump and above all with youth.

    The personal attacks on Kamala are not working. Kamala quoted her family as saying, 'Did you just fall out of the coconut tree?' This was foolishly touted as a 'negative' ... now in pro-Kamala memes there is often a coconut and a tropical tree.

    Kamala is attacked as not-bright, but some of us see the trait some ladies have, of instinctively being silly and simple so as not to intimidate the boys. She was indeed too nervous and fumbly as a 2020 candidate, but now she is more confident, plus her mis-steps are now seen more as 'she's only human, like me'.

    typical Kamala meme, Kamala, singer Charli XCX and coconut and tree
