Tuesday 2 July 2024

Keir Starmer opens up about Jewish side of family

Keir Starmer opens up about Jewish side of family

“‘Pretty much every week there's a challah and we say kiddush with Bernard, or sometimes with Victoria's sister on Zoom’, Starmer said, referring to his father-in-law.

“He emphasized the importance of their Jewish heritage, especially for their children.

“‘We're very keen for the children to know about it, to understand it.

“‘Half of the family are Jewish, they're either here or in Israel …’”



  1. Starmer’s carefully placed ‘revelations’ in the media this week about his Jewishness — his family living in Israel — his unwillingness to work on Shabbat — etc. feel highly orchestrated & confected, coming just days and hours before the polls open.

    Of course, Starmer has spoken of his Jewishness many times before. However, in the past Starmer’s remarks on his own and his family’s Jewishness were almost always given to specialist Jewish publications, or at synagogue, or in special videos meant only for Jewish audiences.

    This week — mere days & hours before Thursday’s elections — Starmer’s team figures the time is ideal to get the wider UK electorate accustomed to the idea of having a ‘Jewish’ PM.

    That is, when it’s too late for this knowledge to make any substantive difference to the election outcome.

    By the time it fully registers with the electorate that the man is himself ‘Jewish’ who:

    — gives unlimited & unconditional support to Israel’s genocide,

    — is bankrolled and controlled by Zionist Jewish millionaires,

    — orchestrated a Right-wing coup inside the Labour party by pushing for a Brexit vote he knew would cause the defeat of Labour’s Left and pave the way for his own leadership,

    — expelled pro-Palestine, anti-genocide MPs, activists, and Left-wing Jews en masse

    … it will be too late to ask the penetrating questions.

    And, more to the point, too late for anyone to change their vote.

    Starmer and his advisers (Mossad’s Mandelson? Straw? Levy? Blair? Hodge?) are nothing if not skilled at playing Middle England’s conservative-inclined electorate like a fiddle.

  2. What is not mentioned is that he was installed by a campaign led by the Israeli security services, the Israeli /Jewish lobby have so much behind the scenes power that they can remove and install any leader they want, whenever they want ..... scary Indeed

  3. As only 0.5% of UK voters are Jewish, I absolutely don't believe that these relevations will win any votes. It's more about trying to brainwash yet another non-Jewish country that they must be ruled by an Israel-obeying traitor.
