Friday 12 July 2024

Jewish ‘cult’ leaders sentenced for kidnap of 2 NY kids



  1. Interesting that the individuals concerned are associated with Guatemala and their Lev Tahor organisation is based there.

    Oddly enough I was in Guatemala a few months ago the first thing I noticed heading South out of Guatemala City was the largest Israeli flag on a hillside you could ever imagine. Not an enthusiastic with a big flag but a flag you might see (on the scale) of a National Monument or Government building.

    I was in a place called Lake Atitlan in a small backwater called San Pedro (accessible by boat). The whole town was written in modern Hebrew (street names, signage, businesses etc). Orthodox Jewish community on a reasonable sized scale - a whole town in fact. A couple of other villages nearby had the same demographic too.

    Looks as though the Spanish weren't the only settlers/incomers to populate Central American shores.

    Lev Tahor appear to move around quite a bit and have been associated with quite a few countries.


