Friday 19 July 2024

'Even EU judges tried to stop Von der Leyen re-appointment'


Anonymous - allegations  -

Even EU judges tried to stop the Von der Leyen re-appointment

The new EU Parliament, when it voted Thursday to re-install scandal-tainted Ursula von der Leyen as head of the EU Commission, had only assembled 54 hours earlier, on Tuesday, 16 July.

There was barely any time for opposing forces to argue against her, and yet Von der Leyen only won by a small margin, needing 361 votes and getting only 401 votes out of 720 ... so 43% of the EU Parliament did NOT vote for her.

One bombshell that came during those 54 hours before the vote, was a judgement from the European Court in Luxembourg, condemning Ursula von der Leyen for her misconduct in vaccine procurement

Anonymous -

Here is the press release of the EU judges, Wednesday, 17 July 2024 - the timing a clear EU judge statement against Von der Leyen ... and yet she still was 'elected' 24 hours later.

EU judges had learned Von der Leyen was 'corrupt' 17 months earlier, when they received an open brief filed by a Polish citizen, charging that Ursula von der Leyen was violating one of the EU judges' most treasured verdicts, giving all EU citizens universal rights to health care wherever they reside, when no other EU system covers them.

The Polish man's brief charged that Von der Leyen was running a bribery extortion scheme as a favour to the Belgian government, who in turn, given Belgium is the 'EU police force', blocked action on Von der Leyen's scandal of seeking to enrich her husband Heiko von der Leyen, an executive in the covid vaccine business.

The Polish man then won a verdict against the EU-Belgian mafia in Brussels courts, after which he reports that Belgian officials threatened to kill him if he doesn't leave Europe. 

The Polish man reports all this in a dossier against Belgium & the EU, filed at Council of Europe anti-corruption body GRECO ... the GRECO dossier was in the office of many EU Parliament members who voted against Von der Leyen:

That GRECO brief also charges Von der Leyen with aiding war profiteering crimes in both Ukraine and Gaza, as well as the covid vaccine crimes with her husband Heiko and with Pfizer.

If GRECO moves against Belgium and Von der Leyen, she might yet be forced to resign. Meme on the Polish retiree defying the Brussels mafia -

Meme on Von der Leyen and her 'Ukraine war profiteering'

1 comment:

  1. Steve Bannon filmed Jeffrey Epstein for 15 hours. His 'documentary' has never surfaced.

    - Steve Bannon took 15 hours of video of Jeffrey Epstein in the months before Epstein died in jail.

    - He said it was for a "documentary" — a claim that doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

    - Sources say Bannon was friends with Epstein and was trying to rehabilitate his reputation.
