Thursday 4 July 2024

California wildfires: Thompson Fire Update - July 3, 2024

Christinne -

'Here DEWs (Directed Energy Weapons) at work again':



  2. It will be fascinating to see which of the anti-genocide and anti-Zionist (“pro Palestine”) parliamentary candidates are cheated of votes today in the UK general election.

    There are quite a number of highly competitive races where the anti-genocide or anti-Western Imperialism candidate is projected or tipped to win election.

    Some of these election candidates oppose the entire UK and Western ‘War Machine’, and hence threaten a most lucrative part of the British economy. As well as the elite’s apparent agenda for a third world war, mass depopulation, the collapsing of countries into authoritarian superstates and Greater Israel.

    One anticipates and expects that Friends of Israel — that is, nefarious actors aligned to MI5/the Israeli Embassy/Mossad/CIA — will be looking to deny, miscount, or “fail to notice” as many legitimate votes as possible that would otherwise go to candidates deemed a threat to elite and (deep) state interests.

    Keep your eyes peeled…. We know they make a habit of rigging everything; let’s at least document it where we can…
