Sunday 30 June 2024

Israeli snipers used them for target practice.


SEYMOUR HERSH: ‘The death toll in Gaza is much higher than we're being told’

“In days of telephone and email exchanges with public health and statistical experts in America I found a general belief that the civilian death toll in Gaza … had to be significantly higher than reported …

“Save the Children … [estimates] that as many as 21,000 children in Gaza are ‘trapped beneath rubble, detained, buried in unmarked graves, or lost from their families’.

“Other children, the agency said, ‘have been forcibly disappeared …’ … ‘amidst reports of ill-treatment and torture’ …

“[According to] Devi Sridhar, the chair of global public health at the University of Edinburgh … as many as 160 children [in Gaza are] being killed daily …

“… [In February,] Al Jazeera ran an interview with a 64-year-old Gazan undertaker named Saadi Hassan Sulieman Baraka …

“‘I've buried about ten times more people during this war than I did across my entire 27 years as an undertaker,’ he said.

“‘… Since October 7, I've buried more than 17,000 people’ …

“He especially remembered the day he buried … 800 dead.

“‘We collected them in pieces; their bodies so riddled with holes it was like Israeli snipers used them for target practice.

“‘Others were crushed like … like a boiled potato, and many had huge facial burns …’”

1 comment:

  1. Gazans are arriving in Muslim regions of Russia and being given homes by Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov

    On the one hand it is heart-warming to see Gazans in safety

    On the other hand this suits Israel to expel Gazans abroad so Israel can take the territory of Palestinian homes

    video 3 minutes
    New Homes in Chechnya for Gazans Amid Israel's War
