Monday 10 June 2024

For Scotland


I’m a new voter – here’s why I’m voting SNP at the General Election

For new voters like me, Westminster has never seemed so decrepit, redundant and out of touch. That’s why I’m voting SNP – to stand up for Scotland. by Hannah Watters

Westminster politicians are failing on the fight against poverty

1 in 6 people in the UK live in poverty – a damning indictment of Westminster’s inaction and the broken status quo. 


The SNP will not give Keir Starmer a free pass to inflict more public service cuts

We all want rid of this rotten Tory government and their cruel, incompetent policies. SNP MPs will ensure a Labour one doesn’t give us more of the same.

by Stephen Flynn


Women affected by pension inequality deserve justice

Westminster has utterly failed WASPI women for far too long. The SNP stands firmly with them. 


100,000 jobs threatened by Sir Keir Starmer’s shady energy plans

Labour needs to be honest with Scotland’s voters about their energy scheme sell out – and that it will be workers in the North East who will suffer.


  1. "For new voters like me, Westminster has never seemed so decrepit, redundant and out of touch. That’s why I’m voting SNP – to stand up for Scotland. by Hannah Watters"

    Change voters to clowns and delusional instead of new........

  2. it is on record that rothschild hve promised labour will win and starmer will become PM god help us
