Sunday 30 June 2024

Exposing Andrew Tate's Sham Conversion To Islam! Part 1


  1. SUNDAY TIMES: ‘Vote for Starmer!’

    Rupert Murdoch’s ‘Sunday Times’ newspaper endorses Keir Starmer’s Labour Party

  2. Keir Starmer’s national campaign coordinator: ‘I would like The Sun to endorse Labour’


    LBC Political Editor Natasha Clark

    Labour's Pat McFadden says after the Sunday Times' endorsement he's after the Sun's next.

    "We always welcome endorsements, I think they matter. We have changed […]

    “I would like The Sun to endorse us ...”

  3. “When running for party leader in 2020, Keir Starmer told an audience in Liverpool that he would boycott the Sun during the leadership contest.

    “‘This city has been wounded by the media — the Sun …

    “‘I certainly won’t be giving an interview to the Sun during the course of this campaign’, he said.”

  4. Andrew Tate is a huge influence on male youth internationally, and rather fascinating

    One of his themes is that you need to ignore much of what the estabishment says, it usually does not help you in life

    Re the 'sham conversion to Islam' there is something deeper going on there, which is that being 'Muslim' provides some cover for those interested in traditional gender roles, true for women as well (as re the late Sinéad O'Connor)

    Tate tells young men to be roughly masculine and that women secretly are drawn to this ... and young men share how they find this a practical truth when they implement it

    Tate praised Trump as being like himself in not fearing going to jail, and suggests this is how men need to be

    Tate tells young men to firmly grasp the importance of making money, that's just the way the world is

    Tate's famous comment that 'reading books is for losers', is a typical Tate-ism, superficially 'wrong' but pointing to some truth, that so much media published by corporations are just propaganda ... you need to directly seek knowledge that is real, helpful, practical ... in fact many of us don't read conventional 'news' but go immediately to better sources. Like here.

  5. Another curious aspect of Andrew Tate is that in his own unique way he has become a major anti-war voice, perhaps influencing millions.

    Though Tate speaks often of the need to 'fight' in life for one's place in it and for what you value, he says re military recruitment, and our corrupt political leadership:

    "There is nothing in the western world worth f-cking dying for. Those who send men to die in wars ... is it worth it to die defending them?"
    - Andrew Tate

    Forums where male youths congregrate - 4chan /pol/, TikTok and so on - are now full of young men encouraging other to avoid military draft conscription, avoid the wars, and refuse to fight for Ukraine, Israel etc. And they cite Andrew Tate.

    Young men in Europe and USA are sharing videos of the Ukraine press gangs violently seizing young men on Ukraine streets in order to send them to likely meaningless death in the trenches ... the young men expressing their resolve to avoid the same.

    In line with the famous Solzhenitsyn meme quote about 'what if we had fought Stalin's police every time they came' ... young men suggest that it might be better to fight in your home street, and die opposing the military 'recruiter' rather than become cannon fodder.
