Friday 14 June 2024



  1. Does the SNP talk about the cover up of child abuse at Fronethy? Do they talk about the masonic heirachy in Police Scotland? The SNP are just as bad and corrupt as other political parties in the UK, they serve the cult and always will do until all MP's are independent and free from masonic control.


  3. More and more bs





  8. AMANDA PLATELL: ‘WHY is Lady Starmer so seldom seen standing by her man?’

    Keir Starmer “is almost never seen with his glamorous wife of two decades, Victoria, a FORMER LAWYER …

    “… ‘Lady Vic’ … has been absent from the General Election campaign.

    “Which, as a seasoned political observer I find VERY, VERY ODD …

    “[One Labourite said]: ‘The public is still largely in the dark about her …

    “‘Lady Starmer’s time in the shadows is surely reaching an end.’”

  9. In searching for the reason why Keir Starmer and his wife want Victoria Starmer to stay “in the shadows” — could the following offer a clue?:

    “As a young lawyer, Victoria Starmer, nee Alexander, WAS EMPLOYED BY **MARGARET HODGE’S HUSBAND**.

    “‘Victoria is the daughter of a Jewish accountant, Bernard Alexander and Barbara Moyes, who converted to Judaism …

    “‘She qualified as a solicitor in 2001 [the year of Mossad’s 9-11 false flag outrage] and worked for the London firm [HENRY] HODGE, JONES & ALLEN …*’”

    [source: Michael Ashcroft’s biography]

    “Henry and Margaret Hodge were instrumental in the creation of New Labour: refashioning Labour as a Third Way party committed to the Greater Israel plan.

    “The Hodges, Peter Mandelson [Jeffrey Epstein’s partner] and Michael Levy were to lead the operation, with Blair providing the public face.

    “Margaret and Henry Hodge had previously operated at the epicentre of the Islington Council child abuse outrage — an alleged plank in Mossad’s wider sexual blackmail operations, entrapping politicos and VIPs in London and across the UK and US before and after 9-11. Buying their complicity and silence.

    “The Hodges, in charge of Islington Council, and then co-creating ‘New Labour’ with Epstein’s Peter Mandelson and Michael Levy, are thought to be have operated as top Mossad agents or assets in the UK.

    “Margaret and Henry Hodge were not only very close friends of the Blairs, but also their neighbours: ‘having persuaded them to move to their street in Islington in the 1990s’. 

    “HENRY HODGE was, moreover, a member of the executive of the National Council for Civil Liberties when it was affiliated with the PAEDOPHILE INFORMATION EXCHANGE.

    “PIE encouraged paedophiles to patronise Elm Guest House, an alleged ‘Mossad’ child brothel reportedly used for the entrapment of politicos and VIPs supplied from the Grafton Close home overseen by Richmond Council (where the notorious Keith Vaz worked until he left to join Margaret Hodge at Islington Council).”

    Do you begin to see why Sir Keir Starmer doesn’t want the UK electorate to know that his wife Lady Victoria is — since 2001 — a longtime protege of Margaret and Henry ‘Mossad’ Hodge?

    With the Hodges having long cultivated Victoria Starmer nee Alexander, and Epstein’s Peter Mandelson having long cultivated Victoria’s husband Sir Keir, it’s abundantly clear that Britain’s new, Jewish ‘First Couple’, are every-inch-the controlled Mossad agents or operatives.

    A couple whose engagement, marriage, careers, and entire political trajectory was almost certainly conceived and plotted prior to Mossad’s 9-11 false flag outrage, and then set in motion shortly thereafter: with PIE’s Henry Hodge employing Victoria in his London law firm while his wide Margaret Hodge pulled Tony Blair’s strings and allegedly continued the child abuse cover-ups.

    Victoria Starmer, nee Alexander, was thus well prepared to ‘meet Keir for the first time’ 4 years later, in 2005, with the 9-11 Greater Israel plan by then in full swing.

    And here we are, 20 years later, with the next phase of the 9-11 Greater Israel plan now unfolding in Gaza…

    A genocide and land clearance over which Keir and Victoria Starmer will shortly exert vast influence at the top of a Mossad Five Eyes nation.

    Just as was conceived and planned decades ago.
