Monday 20 May 2024

Will ICC arrest Keir Starmer for supporting Netanyahu's siege of Gaza?


  1. Did they arrest George Bush, Tony Blair, David Cameron, Hilary Clinton, Barrack Obama?

    Well guess what they ain't going to arrest Netanyahu either.

  2. No - ICC charges against Bibi are only for STARVATION as a weapon of war. Not for bombing, nor genocide. Meanwhile Soros 'population division' via illegal immigrants in both USA & Europe. Cultural disassociation by large numbers of blacks being allowed in. Males. From 6:00 on. The end of 'them' but on the back of a load of blood shed.

  3. 'France splits from Western allies to back ICC arrest warrants of Israel and Hamas leaders

    France and Belgium have thrown their support behind the world's top war crimes court's arrest warrants for leaders of both Israel and Hamas.

    France's move marks a major split in its position from its Western allies, including the UK, Italy and the US.'
