Wednesday 15 May 2024

Midazolam concerns


  1. King Charles unveils haunting red portrait of himself: ‘Looks like he’s in hell’

    “On Tuesday, King Charles, 75, unveiled a new official portrait of himself by the artist Jonathan Yeo …

    “‘Does the first painting represent all the blood on his hands?’ one commenter asked …

    “Other royal watchers remarked that  the painting looks … ‘like he’s bathing in blood’ and ‘like he’s burning in hell …’”

  2. What do you see in this portrait of King Charles?

    “… [This] color is giving the distinct vibe of blood …

    “ … [In] this portrait, everything except the king’s face looks as though it’s gotten a hefty dunk in some thick crimson plasma …

    “[Artist Jonathan Yeo] told the BBC that the butterfly (also red) hovering near Charles’s right shoulder symbolizes ‘metamorphosis and rebirth’ …

    “[Could] it also represent thousands of souls slaughtered by the British Empire, their wings beating fruitlessly against the chains of oppression? …

    “Charles’s face is like a disembodied specter of death …

    “Alternatively, perhaps this is an imagined depiction of King Charles rotting in hell …”

  3. Is Charles' portrait a warning?

    Professor Geraldine Johnson, Head of the History of Art Department at Oxford University said:

    “‘… One does wonder … whether it was the King or Yeo who made the decision to depict a Monarch Butterfly in particular …’

    “Prof Johnson added: 'Red is … a colour we associate in everyday life with warning …’”

  4. Jonathan Yeo has previously painted subjects including:

    Nat Rothschild, Lucian Freud, Lord Boateng, Sir Cliff Richard, Kevin Spacey, Stephen Fry, Prince Philip and Cara Delevinge.

  5. Unveiling the portrait in a crimson-impressionism styled abomination.

    **Unveiling the Antichrist**
