Tuesday 14 May 2024

Madeira Children's Parade


  1. President of Ireland condemns Israeli attacks on aid convoys to Gaza

    “Israeli protesters blocked aid trucks headed for Gaza yesterday, throwing food packages on the road …

    “… [Irish President Michael D. Higgins] said that all those who support human rights, humanitarian relief, the United Nations and its charter must be appalled at the attacks …

    “[President Higgins said:] ‘In Rafah, a vehicle clearly marked with the United Nations emblem came under fire, killing a UN staff member …

    "On the same day at the Tarqumiya checkpoint … a convoy was surrounded by a mob with food packages thrown on the road …’”

    “‘[Human Rights Watch] have detailed at least eight strikes carried out on aid workers' convoys and premises in Gaza since October 2023, even though aid groups had provided their coordinates to the Israeli authorities …

    “‘In total, the United Nations has said that more than 250 aid workers have been killed in Gaza over the course of the conflict …’”

    “‘Silence on this matter would reflect badly on any member of the European Union …’”


  2. Israeli mob block and loot food convoy

    “Videos showed a mob … gleefully taking cargo off the trucks, ripping open bags of rice, flour and sugar, throwing it on the ground, stamping on it, and leaving the road strewn with food. 

    “It was not the first time Israelis have blocked aid access to Palestinians at checkpoints and border crossings …

    “In February, young Israelis blocked access to the Kerem Shalom border crossing while camping out, dancing and singing. Once again, soldiers stood by and watched …

    “There have been other similar incidents since October … even as much of the population of Gaza faces famine and people have resorted to eating animal feed or grass …”

