Friday 10 May 2024

Lockerbie evidence 'planted by CIA'


Lockerbie evidence 'planted by CIA'

The Independent › UK › UK Politics

14 Jun 1995 — Crucial evidence against two Libyans for the Lockerbie bombing was planted by the CIA, it was claimed in the Commons yesterday.

Lockerbie evidence 'planted by CIA'

The Independent › UK › UK Politics

14 Jun 1995 — Crucial evidence against two Libyans for the Lockerbie bombing was planted by the CIA, it was claimed in the Commons yesterday.


  1. ‘This is the REAL reason why the US Government is moving to shut down TikTok’

    “… TikTok has become one of the main avenues through which young people around the world are seeing the brutal reality of Gaza …

    “In [the] recent interview between the Republican Party’s former presidential candidate Mitt Romney and US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, Romney linked the US government’s moves to ban TikTok with the need to suppress TikTok’s coverage of Gaza …

    “Incredible really, to see Romney advocating political censorship so openly …”

    “SENATOR ROMNEY: ‘… [Some] wonder why there was such overwhelming support for us to shut down potentially TikTok ...

    “‘If you look at the postings on TikTok and the number of mentions of Palestinians relative to other social media sites, it’s overwhelmingly so among TikTok broadcasts. So I’d note that’s of real interest, and the President will get the chance to make action in that regard.’”

  2. 10,000 Gazans ‘are buried under the rubble’

    “More than 10,000 people are believed buried under the rubble in Gaza after nearly seven months of devastating conflict, UN humanitarians said …

    “‘It could take up to three years to retrieve the bodies using the primitive tools they have on hand’, the UN aid coordination office, OCHA, said …

    “Entire neighbourhoods have been levelled … the UN aid office noted …

    “Nearly all of the 600,000 children now sheltering in the southern border city of Rafah are ‘injured, sick or malnourished …’”

  3. Ireland's non-binary Eurovision act Bambie Thug sparks fury with 'sick and satanic' routine

    1. Just watched Irelands witch. Pentagrams, demons and a whole bunch of utter garbage. Unfortunately Clownworld is far too stupid to realise what is literally right under their noses.

      Evidently Satanic tripe is this year's thinly disguised theme for Eurotrash. I really would love Israel to 'engineer' a win purely for a laugh. These have baked deviants prancing around on the stage promoting witchcraft and Satanism should never be celebrated or idolised. Rather, seen fir what they really are........utter garbage.


  4. Sat 2024-05-11 8:12 AM
    Anonymous has left a new comment on your post 'Lockerbie evidence 'planted by CIA'':

    ‘People have stopped reading and allowed their minds to be filled with garbage’

    “… [People] have stopped reading properly and allowed their empty minds to be filled with utter garbage …

    “I mentor children in state schools ... I have been doing so for over three years with a growing sense of panic …

    “‘Oh, stop being snobby’, shouts my husband from his book-lined study, ‘Of course children read books, just not the ones you like’.

    “He’s wrong. They don’t …

    “I [ask] children about their daily screen time on phones – for the boys it’s an average of two hours, for the girls between three and four.

    “That’s on top of a full day at school …

    “With the less academic children I mentor, we’re talking about six hours screen time a day …

    “The same applies to adults; we’re all too busy on our phones …”
