Monday 13 May 2024

Info Lib

'We Also Slaughtered Innocent People in Massive Numbers': 


  1. Some media have exposed that our wonderful media and reputable politicians have blatantly been repeating completely fake stories on atrocities committed by the evil Hamas terrorist (like murdering babies and mass rapes), based on the fictional stories of ZAKA.
    Since being founded in 1995, ZAKA has assisted at major international terror attacks (including “other” false flags?) and natural disasters, both in recovering dead bodies, and health care for the injured.

    ZAKA's founder, Yehuda Meshi-Zahav, for decades had sexually assaulted women, girls and boys, with the knowledge of others in the community (while the cops refused to investigate).

    Yehuda Meshi-Zahav‘s 2 brothers were even arrested for rapes.
    In 2014, Remi Meshi-Zahav was jailed for 7 years for sexually abusing his daughter that started before she was 10 years old.
    A decade earlier, Moshe Meshi-Zahav was arrested for molesting teenage girls, including in ZAKA vehicles, but for some reason was never indicted.

    Naturally the ZAKA charity raised money, but only transferred some of it to the charity, using a private for-profit company, also called ZAKA, that raised millions of dollars in the charity’s name, but kept more than half of the donations to pay for lavish vacations and luxury products for the Meshi-Zahav family.

    The Israeli ZAKA has an advisory board that for some reason is located in New York, which includes:

    Stuart Seldowitz, who from 2009 to 2011 was acting director for the National Security Council South Asia Directorate in the Obama administration.

    In late 2023 Seldowitz harassed a halal food cart vendor in New York for 2 weeks, which was caught on camera, and posted on Twitter/X.
    In one of these videos, he calls the vendor a "terrorist" and said, "[i]If we killed 4,000 Palestinian kids, you know what? It wasn’t enough.[/i]" (obviously thinking that this low food seller couldn’t do anything against him).

    Stuart Seldowitz was dismissed from Gotham Government Relations, while he remains on the advisory board of ZAKA (closely affiliated with Gotham).

    Seldowitz got another one of those “sweetheart deals” for the rich and corrupt, for this blatant example of racist harassment he had to follow some anti-bias training program.

    For years, Israel has been accused of illegally stealing organs from dead Palestinians, including in the current genocide of Gaza.
    The Israeli army confiscated dozens of dead Palestinians from hospitals in northern Gaza, the bodies were returned with missing organs, like livers, kidneys and hearts, which suggests organ theft.

    Maybe I shouldn’t post the following without hard evidence, but…
    ZAKA in 2010 helped in the Haiti earthquake. At the time Iran and others accused Israel, and ZAKA, of stealing organs (unfortunately no evidence…).

  2. These charity organizations, as you have illustrated before many times Aangirfan, always seem to have ulterior motives. Regarding the World Central Kitchen I still find it particularly odd that 7 of his volunteers were killed by the IDF all in different locations as if they were indeed being targeted. What did Israel know about the World Central Kitchen? As I have stated here before Andres was discussed in various threads in voat pizzagate which is almost impossible to relocate after voats closing. As I mentioned before he was honored as one of the most influential in Washington DC the same time James Alefantis was named as well. He has raised millions in charity and fed millions but why do I still get this very creepy feeling about this charity?

    "In 2022, WCK took in $519 million in grants and donations.[29] Early 2023 Andrés collaborated with the US government and he worked with the United States Department of State as a member of the “American Culinary Corps”, a partnership with the James Beard Foundation.[34]

    "Since it was founded, the NGO has organized meals in the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Zambia, Peru, Cuba, Uganda, Cambodia,[2] and in Poland on the border of Ukraine.[31] It has provided aid and meals in the United States and Puerto Rico and has helped during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States."

    He's always there in certain... Clinton Cartel areas.

