Saturday 25 May 2024

Dr Vernon Coleman 17 Nov 2023 Why Israel REALLY Invaded Gaza


  1. Why the Covid 19 link? Nothing to do with o n 27 September the British government granted Norwegian company Equinor and Israeli firm Ithaca Energy permission to develop Rosebank, the UK’s largest untapped oilfield due to produce oil from 2026. Rosebank’s operational emissions alone will exceed Britain’s carbon budget allocated to oil and gas production and will create more carbon emissions than the combined emissions of 28 low-income countries. It has the potential to deliver 500 million barrels of oil which, when burned, would emit further emissions equivalent to running 56 coal-fired power stations for a year. In this, Labour has allied with the Conservative government in climate destruction: had Labour leader Keir Starmer, all but guaranteed to win the next General Election, committed to revoking the drilling licence for Rosebank, it would have no investment to go ahead. Instead, Starmer has effectively given a green light to the project, continuing Labour’s climate-wrecking commitment to maintain any licences granted by the Conservative government.

    1. Climate tripe. Green nonsense my backside, carbon emissions my front side.

      A short lecture on green hypocrisy. There is f-all green about green.

      I have a micro-generation system installed which can produce up to 100KW + per day, has off grid hybrid capabilities, a 6kW inverter, a diverter and a 13.5 kW Lithium Phosphate battery crammed with 210kg of lithium behind a gateway.

      Worse still my virtue signalling green-clown wagon has a 65kW battery meaning my consumption of electricity when combined with my sauna is f-ing astronomical.

      Still as a high energy user, my green-ness is rewarded with a ridiculously cheap energy tariff. I pay 7 pence per kW for being a greedy bastard and single handedly causing polar bears to melt.

      The heaviest energy users being rewarded at the expense of 'old grannies' living in a 1 bedroom apartment on a prepaid meter.

      Climate change fakery is a vehicle to tyranny and control. However, like most green-twats I also keep my diesel for long trips and as a back up.

      For every barrel of oil the UK produces, the other OPEC nations produce 100. We are not even in the top 20 producers. The idea that oil or the industry is responsible for climate change is utter tripe.

      Most EVs are run on gas or coal powered electricity and the batteries mined on an enormous scale causing untold environmental damage. However let's just blame oil eh? If the world was serious about a genuine threat of climate change they would concentrate their collective efforts on the 20 + nations that produce way more oil than the UK.

      Without a single mention of geo-engineering, atmospheric aerosol injection or marine cloud whitening, it is clear anyone championing climate change has no idea of what is truly going on, worse still though is probably trying to shift the narrative. Before shouting climate change maybe a little bit of research on geoengineering might produce a different mindset.

      Mind you, however when the Revolutionary Communist warns us about UK energy security or drilling we should be very cautious. Green........a by word for Red.








  9. Ex-chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance promises a new pandemic

    In interview with Ghislaine Maxwell’s friend Geordie Greig, the scientist who ‘owns £600,000 of shares in GlaxoSmithKline’ called for pandemics to be planned (for) ‘in the same way as wars’

    “Sir Patrick Vallance, the government’s chief scientific adviser during the covid pandemic [sic], has warned that Britain is not prepared for another pandemic.

    “The scientist called for future pandemics [sic] to be treated like potential wars …

    “Vallance also said … that he was feeling optimistic about the Pandemic Preparedness Treaty that the World Heath Organisation is attempting to push through …”

  10. Jewish British-Israeli Jonathan Cook on 'Israeli torture chambers for Palestinians' at the new secret Sde Teiman prison

    CNN investigation into secret Israeli Sde Teiman prison

    video, 4 minutes
    'Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in Sde Teiman prison'
