Thursday 23 May 2024

Deadly Chemicals Found at US ICBM Bases

 Deadly Chemicals Found 

at US ICBM Bases


  1. As opposed to harmless ICBMs????

    Quick, look over there........deadly chemicals. Where??????

    Next to the ICBMs.


  2. Re: ICBMs bad toxins ok. Nope the toxins persist & include radiation that cause gross birth deformities & cancer. USA's OldTop Secret persistant problem. Johnston Island Atoll - Johnston was used by the US military from 1934 until 2000. A deeper problem remains – how to clean up plutonium contamination from failed nuclear tests in 1962. The island was expanded many times in size through dredging and reconstruction. Beyond the 1962 nuclear tests, Johnston Atoll was used to store chemical weapons from Okinawa after 1970 and drums of Agent Orange defoliant from the Vietnam War in 1972. Throughout the 1990s, the island was also the site for the Johnston Atoll Chemical Agents Disposal System (JACADS), an incineration plant for chemical weapons removed from Okinawa and Germany following the end of the Cold War.1 The US military has now closed down JACADS so the island can be handed over the US Fish and Wildlife Service as a nature reserve." The plutonium problem persists. Is this why Hawaii has radiation free to air way above normal? PS - Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center is down. Hiding the fact that north Japan has serious elevated radiation 24 May 2024.
