Friday 10 May 2024

Boeing under investigation after multiple safety concerns | BBC News


  1. 9 May 2024 - a passenger plane propeller strap that was left unsecured. The plane was flying from Canberra, Australia to Sydney. It punctured the thin THIN skin of the plane and it sliced through a passengers leg. This forced an emergency landing. This is a reminder how foolish people are to believe that 2 planes penetrated steel & concrete of both WTC 1 & 2 on 9/11. One appeared to come out the other side.

  2. Not comfy with the Boeing planes are sh1te narrative. All of a sudden stuff and bits keep dropping off.

    Quick, panic, let's ground the whole fleet of 737s. As a purely precautionary measure (of course). Oh look, 50% of the worlds fleet has just been grounded.

    Whistleblowers for Boeing....... deafening silence for vaccines.
