Wednesday 1 May 2024

12-year-old Luca Brugnoli sing Pie Jesu live at his first solo concert


  1. Former Kincora residents sue over claims paedophile housemaster was a protected MI5 agent

    “Two former residents of the Kincora Boys’ Home suing over allegations a paedophile housemaster was protected from prosecution because of his status as an MI5 agent have won a High Court battle to have their case reinstated.

    “A judge allowed appeals by Gary Hoy and Richard Kerr …

    The outcome followed claims that William McGrath was free to sexually abuse victims … with immunity from investigation …

    “Mr Hoy and Mr Kerr claim the authorities … went as far as actively obstructing police officers from investigating and pursuing McGrath specifically due to his role as an MI5 agent …

    “Sophie McClintock of Phoenix Law said after the hearing: ‘Our clients are victims of the most horrific sex abuse at Kincora, perpetrated by an agent of the state given cover to harm vulnerable young boys in care …’”

  2. Richard Branson teams up with Boy George (again)

    Richard Branson “[will] be joined by the famous Boy George …”

    Branson “controls the Virgin Group … [and] gave the world two rock phenomena — Boy George and the Sex Pistols.” *

    “… [Boy George] has a very strong bond with … Sir Richard Branson, and back in 2017 the singer revealed how close he is to the businessman, who helped him during his battles with addiction.”

    “[Boy George said:] ‘… Stephen Fry wrote to me …’ … ‘[Richard Branson] gave me a safe haven at his house …’”
    * “the Sex Pistols were shaped by Jewish manager Malcolm McLaren”, who later worked for Stephen Spielberg, and whom Johnny Rotten/John Lyndon once described as ‘the most evil man in the world’

  3. ‘The next London mayor must BAN anti-genocide marches’ — Bella Wallersteiner

    “Every weekend since October 7, I have been attending the pro-Palestine marches …

    “I'm adamant that our next mayor must be willing to do everything in their power to ban these …”

    * Bella Wallersteiner’s father — Stowe School headmaster Anthony Wallersteiner — is the son of Robert Maxwell’s business partner, Kurt Wallersteiner (Bella’s grandfather).

    Bella’s aunt, Rebecca Wallersteiner, was the lover first of bisexual alleged paedohile Lucian Freud, and more recently of former Rothschild director Norman Lamont, who holidayed in Mykonos with the alleged paedophile and child abuse cover-up merchant, Leon Brittan.

  4. Is Woody Allen trolling his accusers with his new movie?

    “… Woody Allen has a new movie out, Coup de Chance …

    “Obviously a lot of people don’t want to support this film … due to the allegations that he sexually abused his daughter, Dylan Farrow, when she was seven …

    “But this movie may be particularly objectionable because … Coup de Chance contains one ‘appalling’ detail — the villainous husband character is obsessed with model trains …

    “… [A] model train set was one of the most important elements in the case against Allen.

    “By Dylan Farrow’s account, she was instructed to play with a toy train set during the alleged assault.

    “‘To this day, I find it difficult to look at toy trains’, Farrow wrote in a 2014 open letter …

    “… [A] 1992 police diagram of the attic where the alleged abuse took place … clearly referenced a ‘toy train track …’”

  5. ‘We need to talk about the pro-Israel lobby in the U.K.’

    The Labour Friends of Israel, the Conservative Friends of Israel, and the Board of Deputies have made significant inroads in UK politics.

    They have enabled the UK's unqualified support for Israel’s genocide.


    “In April, the former Conservative minister Sir Alan Duncan provoked outrage when he suggested the lobby group Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI) does the bidding of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government …

    “Today, at least 80% of Conservative Party MPs are involved with CFI …


    “[Sitting] Labour MPs have accepted over £280,000 in donations from pro-Israel groups or individuals, and Labour Friends of Israel fund a significant number of the Labour shadow cabinet …

    “Keir Starmer himself dismissed Amnesty International’s conclusive findings that Israel practices the crime of apartheid, and as Israel unlawfully cut off food, water, and electricity from all of Gaza after October 7 … publicly encouraged the collective punishment …

    “Trevor Chinn, an early backer of CFI … was a key supporter of Keir Starmer’s leadership campaign — in which he boasted about supporting Zionism without qualification — with a contribution of £50,000 …


    “When the United Nations established a fact-finding mission to investigate Israel’s 2008 Gaza assault, the Board demanded Britain reject it.

    “True to form, during Israel’s International Court of Justice trial, the Board was quick to applaud the British government’s dismissal of the case …

    “… [In] 2018, when Israeli forces killed over 120 Palestinians peacefully marching and demanding the right to return, the Board of Deputies issued a statement that appeared to lay the blame on the Palestinians, implying Israel’s indiscriminate gunfire at unarmed civilians was a defense against a ‘mass invasion’ …

    “Its recent board president Jonathan Arkush stated explicitly, ‘we lobby unashamedly for Israel …’”

  6. John Stingemore ‘trafficked boys to Elm Guest House for abuse’

    “Our reporter gained access to files on John Stingemore, who abused a boy at Richmond Council’s Grafton Close children’s home, because he was mentioned at an inquest …

    “The inquest, held in Kingston in 1990, concerned the death of Carol Kasir, who ran … the Elm Guest House … Kasir was found dead in June 1990 … Police had raided the Elm Guest House eight years earlier …

    “The national abuse inquiry (‘IICSA’) found one boy had been sexually abused there, but claims of child trafficking were dismissed as a 'hoax'.

    “Among those present when police raided the property was a child who had suffered extensive sexual abuse.

    “[Kasir’s] inquest heard that in the months before her death, Kasir was convinced more children, from Grafton Close, had been trafficked to the [Elm Guest House] for abuse …

    “[Christopher Fay, from the National Association of Young People in Care] testified that Kasir had named boys from Grafton Close and … a man with a name like ‘John Stry----‘ …

    “Mary Moss, [also] from NAYPIC, testified that Kasir told her a man called ‘John Strangemen’ had ‘supplied boys to the [Elm Guest House] without her knowledge’ …

    “John Stingemore died in 2015, weeks before he was due to stand trial …”

  7. PETER OBONE: ‘It’s time to put Conservatives’ links with Israel under the spotlight’

    “… [It] is all but impossible for Palestinians voices to get seriously heard either in the Conservative Party or in the House of Commons.

    “[Conservative Friends of Israel] has never made a noise about what historian Richard Evans recently labelled the ‘murderous criminality’ of Israel’s illegal settlement-building programme …

    “It didn’t criticise the 2018 nation-state law, which effectively established two categories of Israeli citizenship – one for Jews and one for Arabs, opening Israel up to the judgement, shared by all major human groups, that it is an apartheid state.

    “It never rebukes the naked racism, and notoriously genocidal discourse, of Netanyahu and his ministers.

    “Indeed, as far as I can tell, it has not criticised a single action of Israel during this terrible Gaza war.

    “Ahead of publication, I asked CFI whether it had ever criticised any action by Israel.

    “No reply …”


  9. Prehistoric small 'hobbit people' of Indonesian islands

    On the beautiful Indonesian island of Flores - a bit to the east of Bali - remains have been discovered of unique small humans who lived there 50,000 and more years ago, people with a height of just over a metre / three and a half feet, real life 'hobbits' as in the Tolkien stories.

    Before the discovery of 'Home Floresiensis', anthropologist Gregory Forth, who worked on Flores for many years, had collected numerous stories from locals who reported sightings of small people in the wilds of the lightly-populated island. He thus wonders if some of these small people might still exist today, quietly eluding most contact with modern society.

    It is a recognised pattern that many creatures, both animal and human, maintain a small size when their home is an island, and one sees the petite stature of many residents of the island nations of Indonesia and the Philippines.

    10 minute video, 'When Hobbits Were Real'

    'Human 'hobbit' ancestor may be hiding in Indonesia'
