Tuesday 9 April 2024

WW3 has been pencilled in for a very long time?


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post 'Norway ready/open to send Troops to Ukraine. ..':

WW3 has been pencilled in for a very long time indeed. 

As for their preparedness or capabilities, it is completely irrelevant if you understand the objectives and aims.

It's not about winning or losing per se. It's about taking part. 

The more (Christians) you can throw at a tank or leave to rot in a trench the better.

WW3 is being prepared for as we speak. 

It's a hybrid asymmetric war-

Financial (wreck the economy), cultural (mass uncontrolled immigration), hi tech (surveillance), conventional (tanks and guns), cyber attack (see Baltimore), terrorist (see ISIS) and who can forget starvation (re-wilding). Nearly forgot weather modification too (geo-engineering).

Yeah, they've got all bases covered. A few conscripts chucked in a hole is neither here nor there. Oops, nearly forgot beam formed microwave weapons that are tailored to your social credit score too.

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