Sunday 14 April 2024

US rules out joining Israeli attack on Iran

Al Jazeera English

Israel bombs Gaza as US rules out joining Israeli attack on Iran

Israel bombs Gaza as US rules out joining Israeli counterattack on Iran


  1. Will there be a World War Three?

    “If Iran and Israel [engage] in further strikes on each other, it may be difficult to prevent other actors in the region getting involved in a wider war …

    “Should [Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Houthis in Yemen] join the fighting, escalation may become hard to stop.

    “The US and UK are … already involved …

    “Jordan also sent jets to down Iran’s drones …

    “Saudi Arabia … the regional Sunni power … has long-standing antagonism with largely Shia Iran …

    “… Iran’s allies Syria and Iraq [could also be] drawn into a wider conflict …”

    “… [In] the wider backdrop of conflicts, including Russia-Ukraine, a 70s-style spike in the oil price will ratchet up economic as well as military tensions …”

  2. Colombia's President Gustavo Petro blames US

    “… [We’re] now in the prelude to World War III …

    “The support of the US, in practice, for a genocide, has ignited the world.

    “Everyone knows how wars start, no one knows how they end …”

  3. Zelensky backs Israel, blames Russia

    Ukrainian president insists Russia and Iran are ‘collaborating’ and tells US to strengthen Israel and Ukraine

    “In a post on X (formerly Twitter) on Sunday, President Zelensky … [claimed] that there is ‘obvious collaboration’ between Tehran and Moscow …”

    “Kiev and its Western backers have repeatedly claimed that Iran has been providing Russia with its kamikaze UAVs, and that Moscow has begun producing them under license.”

    “… Zelensky urged the US Congress to ‘make the necessary decisions to strengthen America’s allies [Israel and Ukraine] at this critical time’”

    Israel’s ambassador in Russia, Simona Halperin noted that “Israeli officials have repeatedly expressed support for Kiev …”


  5. Famed Russian blogger 'Colonel Cassad' (Boris Rozhin), in translation via John Helmer:

    "It was Iran which made it so that for the first time in six months not a single bomb fell on the Gaza Strip.

    "Iran has conquered the Muslim street and now revels in the role of the main defender of the Palestinians"

    Israel claims 99% of Iranian launches intercepted ... Iran claims 50% were successful. In the above piece, Helmer and Rozhin both suggest the truth is somewhere in the middle.

    In the Iranian attack on Israel's Nevatim air base - which Israel itself admits was hit - an Arabic-language site claims the site was also a permanent base for Mossad, and 44 Israelis on the base died in the Iranian assault

    Israelis say the damage to the Nevatim base was 'minor', and that the only casualty from the entire wave of Iranian attacks was a severely injured 7-year-old Arab Bedouin girl in the Negev desert

  6. @MintPressNews:

    Former UK Ambassador Craig Murray to run for parliament in Blackburn

    Known for his unwavering dedication to human rights, promoting transparency, and addressing global injustices throughout his life, the Scotsman is now seeking a seat in parliament to represent Blackburn.


    When you are told that aspartame and artificial sweeteners are utter 'sh1t', you would do well to listen.

  8. Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel attacks Bill Gates and Dr Anthony Fauci over Covid ‘vaccines’

    Bishop also likens Covid lockdown to ‘mass slavery’

    “Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel told parishioners … [that] Australians are being treated 'like animals' under coronavirus restrictions …

    “‘Are we humans? Because we are being treated like animals’, Mr Emmanuel says, in footage of the [sermon] posted online …

    “‘This is an absolute mass slavery at the core of it’ …

    “‘The vaccine supposedly is to work to strengthen the immune system, yet on the other hand we have made people go through so much stress and anxiety that it has destroyed it …

    “Mr Emmanuel asserted 'coronavirus has been exaggerated …

    “He also claimed he found it hard to trust a vaccine that has been promoted by American immunologist Dr Anthony Fauci and billionaire business magnate Bill Gates. 

    “‘Let people live their normal life and enough of these so-called lockdowns …

    “‘They are suffering mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and financially.  Isn't this enough to destroy any immune system?' …

    “‘What has become of Australia? I don't recognise it anymore …’”

  9. They lied about:
    1. "Remember the Maine!"
    2. Gulf of Tonkin Incident
    3. Kuwait Incubator Babies
    4. Colon Powell at the UN
    5. ANTHRAX
    6. Iraq's non-role in 911
    7. USS Liberty attack
    8. January 6th Non-Insurrection

    ...and now they're telling the truth about NOT joining Israel's retaliatory attack on Iran


  10. Like Gaza. While US supplies complete arsenal, satt data, tech assistance and troops on the ground. Israel has destroyed America, not just middle east

  11. Have a deep dive into the ayatollah being jewish......
