Sunday, 28 April 2024

The media shifts the narrative

The media shifts the narrative from the core issue, the monstrous war crimes, to the lesser issue of whether Western country critics are being unfairly maligned and treated badly ... part of why George Soros 'non-profits' are funding the protests?

How an 'Antisemitism Hoax' Drowned Out the Discovery of Mass Graves in Gaza How an 'antisemitism hoax' drowned out the discovery of mass graves in Gaza

In confecting a media row about the policing of London marches against genocide, the Israel lobby knew it would score a victory, whatever happened A gruesome discovery was made in Gaza last weekend. Some…

This is a classic technique

1960s, storiesof monstrous war crimes by the US in Vietnam.

Suddenly the New York Times has a tale of 'brave Jewish leaker'
Daniel Ellsberg and the 'Pentagon papers'

The war crimes took back seat in the news, the travails of the 'brave leaker' front and centre

2000s, stories of horrible US war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan
Suddenly the New York Times, again, has
a new 'brave leaker' - Julian Assange, 
his travails still with us




  3. Julian Assange, the Autralian jew from intelligence cult family, is a direct ROTHSCHILD creation. He & Rockefeller tool, Ben Fulford w/ early Tavistock iteration of later Q operations. Remember well his early days in 2008-10.Truth on his Zionist tool kit was known then- now its completely gone. Including his agreement w/ Netanyahu to bury anything bad on Israel.

  4. "Julian Assange, the Autralian jew from intelligence cult family, is a direct ROTHSCHILD creation" very good comment... infiltrated whistleblower, and how on Earth wikileaks n e v e r criticised israel ? This should be red flag for public opinion, but, my God, public opinion is sheeple as always been...

    I only didn't know that assange is jewish.
    "Remember well his early days in 2008-10.Truth on his Zionist tool kit was known then" ? I don't get it, could you pls explain ?

