Sunday 7 April 2024

RON UNZ, JEFFREY SACHS, ambiguity , controlled opposition

At 6 April Anonymous said...of Unz Review -

The 'covid bio-weapon', on which Jewish Ron Unz and Jewish Jeffrey Sachs agree...

R Unz & J Sachs seem little interested in sudden vaccine death, blood clots, heart attacks etc

This bio-weapon story they peddle, the 'contest' of US did it vs China did it, seems a red herring, trying to pull attention away from the very much Jewish-led global vaccine enterprise, and the higher death rates persisting in vaxed populations

Ron Unz's friend is the same Jeffrey Sachs who was the 'shock therapy' disaster lead economic adviser in Eastern Europe in the 1990s, when lots of Jewish oligarchs got suddenly rich thanks to 'privatisation' at fire-sale prices ... Jeffrey Sachs back then 'advising' what Javier Milei is doing again in Argentina right nowRead more


Ron Unz, Jeffrey Sachs and the ambiguity of some rebel Jews 2 of 2

Those were extremely cruel and brutal years for many people in former Communist states in the 1990s, as even Vladimir Putin himself says sometimes. 

People starved and died and became alcoholics as social safety nets were dismantled. 

State riches owned by the former Communist states, were sold for pennies to often-Jewish oligarchs, who remain billionaires to this day, in Russia and elsewhere. 

Jeffrey Sachs was viewed critically as a smooth-talking clever Jewish 'expert' helping enrich fellow Jews in the oligarchy.

Now however, Jewish Jeffrey Sachs in his senior years is a 'dissident'. He tries to make some excuses for his 1990s work in 'economic shock therapy' - he was frustrated by others, some of his recommendations weren't followed, etc.

Being independent or semi-retired does make it easier to be a 'dissident', but people wonder about other agendas. Notably, both Ron Unz and Jeffrey Sachs talk about 'covid' as a truly 'frightening and deadly bioweapon virus' ... but they are not very critical of the 'vaccines', as are some of the Unz Review authors. Jewish Unz and Jewish Sachs can see 'evidence' of major wrongdoing in other areas ... but not in the case of the heavily-Jewish vaccine industry. Even tho many vaccine critics, are disinclined to see 'covid' as anything much more than a re-branded 'flu'.

Jeffrey Sachs' recent 'radicalism' are all themes of bashing the USA ... which some have viewed for years as a late-stage 'establishment idea', that the downfall of USA and maybe Israel too, will help set up 'New World Order 2.0'.

Ron Unz himself - relatively little attacked by Jewish influence groups such as the ADL, despite being a 'Holocaust denier' - is sometimes critiqued as a very sophisticated type of 'controlled opposition', using a 'confuse and conquer' approach ... agreeing with many dissident points, but not with others. Unz sees conspiracies in many places, but not so much with the 'vaccines', and he thinks the USA might have 'landed on the moon' in 1969-72. Tho to his credit he allows fairly free discussion by his authors and by commenters.

Have seen on 4chan where some people were praising rebel Jewish writers such as Henry Makow and Gilad Atzmon and Ron Unz. Others retorted that, even when Jews appeared dissident, they might be acting out of instinct for Jewish self-preservation, trying to offset the more extreme of their Jewish counterparts, like the ones committing crimes in Gaza, and these Jews being a little 'ahead of the curve' in matching and managing the thinking of the general population.Read more

Ron Unz, Jeffrey Sachs and the ambiguity of some rebel Jews 1 of 2

The California-based Unz Review does have much exceptional material. Audience in the millions, influential - establishment people 'secretly' read it but never cite it positively or link to it, tho it is clear they know the writers. The establishment calls the site 'racist' etc because it discusses things like crime statisics along racial lines.

Jewish Ron Unz - who became a multi-millionaire due to success in computer software and similar - has become one of the prominent Jewish Holocaust sceptics, as well as a leader amongst American intellectual dissidents.
Unz mentions how he himself began to join what he had formally viewed as 'conspiracy' ideas late in life, when reading the propaganda leading up to the Iraq war in the 00 decade, on the non-existent Iraqi 'weapons of mass destruction'. And since then, Unz found repeatedly that 'conspiracy' people often had good foundations for what they wrote.

That article has a lot of praise for the recent 'conversion' of Jewish economist Jeffrey Sachs, now in retirement age, to more radical ideas, somewhat in line with much of what one would read on Unz Review:

- Jeffrey Sachs was chairman of a 'Covid Commission' and came to take a view similar to Ron Unz, focusing on covid as a 'bioweapon' created by US-led-and-funded international agencies
- Jeffrey Sachs now speaks of US gov involvement in the 1963 President Kennedy assassinaton, and a 'deep-state' type system dominant in USA since then
- Jeffrey Sachs now speaks of US fault in stoking the Ukraine war, and the destruction of the Nordstream pipeline
- Jeffrey Sachs now speaks of a 'criminal government' in Israel committing crimes in Gaza

Though as commenters were quick to note, Jeffrey Sachs had a truly ugly role in modern history. He was a lead economist advising countries of the former Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact, on the 'shock therapy' and oligarch-looting programmes that occurred, after the 1991 end of Soviet Union.Read more

At 6 April Anonymous said...of Unz Review -

The 'covid bio-weapon', on which Jewish Ron Unz and Jewish Jeffrey Sachs agree...

R Unz & J Sachs seem little interested in sudden vaccine death, blood clots, heart attacks etc

This bio-weapon story they peddle, the 'contest' of US did it vs China did it, seems a red herring, trying to pull attention away from the very much Jewish-led global vaccine enterprise, and the higher death rates persisting in vaxed populations

Ron Unz's friend is the same Jeffrey Sachs who was the 'shock therapy' disaster lead economic adviser in Eastern Europe in the 1990s, when lots of Jewish oligarchs got suddenly rich thanks to 'privatisation' at fire-sale prices ... Jeffrey Sachs back then 'advising' what Javier Milei is doing again in Argentina right nowRead more


Ron Unz, Jeffrey Sachs and the ambiguity of some rebel Jews 2 of 2

Those were extremely cruel and brutal years for many people in former Communist states in the 1990s, as even Vladimir Putin himself says sometimes. 

People starved and died and became alcoholics as social safety nets were dismantled. 

State riches owned by the former Communist states, were sold for pennies to often-Jewish oligarchs, who remain billionaires to this day, in Russia and elsewhere. 

Jeffrey Sachs was viewed critically as a smooth-talking clever Jewish 'expert' helping enrich fellow Jews in the oligarchy.

Now however, Jewish Jeffrey Sachs in his senior years is a 'dissident'. He tries to make some excuses for his 1990s work in 'economic shock therapy' - he was frustrated by others, some of his recommendations weren't followed, etc.

Being independent or semi-retired does make it easier to be a 'dissident', but people wonder about other agendas. Notably, both Ron Unz and Jeffrey Sachs talk about 'covid' as a truly 'frightening and deadly bioweapon virus' ... but they are not very critical of the 'vaccines', as are some of the Unz Review authors. Jewish Unz and Jewish Sachs can see 'evidence' of major wrongdoing in other areas ... but not in the case of the heavily-Jewish vaccine industry. Even tho many vaccine critics, are disinclined to see 'covid' as anything much more than a re-branded 'flu'.

Jeffrey Sachs' recent 'radicalism' are all themes of bashing the USA ... which some have viewed for years as a late-stage 'establishment idea', that the downfall of USA and maybe Israel too, will help set up 'New World Order 2.0'.

Ron Unz himself - relatively little attacked by Jewish influence groups such as the ADL, despite being a 'Holocaust denier' - is sometimes critiqued as a very sophisticated type of 'controlled opposition', using a 'confuse and conquer' approach ... agreeing with many dissident points, but not with others. Unz sees conspiracies in many places, but not so much with the 'vaccines', and he thinks the USA might have 'landed on the moon' in 1969-72. Tho to his credit he allows fairly free discussion by his authors and by commenters.

Have seen on 4chan where some people were praising rebel Jewish writers such as Henry Makow and Gilad Atzmon and Ron Unz. Others retorted that, even when Jews appeared dissident, they might be acting out of instinct for Jewish self-preservation, trying to offset the more extreme of their Jewish counterparts, like the ones committing crimes in Gaza, and these Jews being a little 'ahead of the curve' in matching and managing the thinking of the general population.Read more

Ron Unz, Jeffrey Sachs and the ambiguity of some rebel Jews 1 of 2

The California-based Unz Review does have much exceptional material. Audience in the millions, influential - establishment people 'secretly' read it but never cite it positively or link to it, tho it is clear they know the writers. The establishment calls the site 'racist' etc because it discusses things like crime statisics along racial lines.

Jewish Ron Unz - who became a multi-millionaire due to success in computer software and similar - has become one of the prominent Jewish Holocaust sceptics, as well as a leader amongst American intellectual dissidents.
Unz mentions how he himself began to join what he had formally viewed as 'conspiracy' ideas late in life, when reading the propaganda leading up to the Iraq war in the 00 decade, on the non-existent Iraqi 'weapons of mass destruction'. And since then, Unz found repeatedly that 'conspiracy' people often had good foundations for what they wrote.

That article has a lot of praise for the recent 'conversion' of Jewish economist Jeffrey Sachs, now in retirement age, to more radical ideas, somewhat in line with much of what one would read on Unz Review:

- Jeffrey Sachs was chairman of a 'Covid Commission' and came to take a view similar to Ron Unz, focusing on covid as a 'bioweapon' created by US-led-and-funded international agencies
- Jeffrey Sachs now speaks of US gov involvement in the 1963 President Kennedy assassinaton, and a 'deep-state' type system dominant in USA since then
- Jeffrey Sachs now speaks of US fault in stoking the Ukraine war, and the destruction of the Nordstream pipeline
- Jeffrey Sachs now speaks of a 'criminal government' in Israel committing crimes in Gaza

Though as commenters were quick to note, Jeffrey Sachs had a truly ugly role in modern history. He was a lead economist advising countries of the former Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact, on the 'shock therapy' and oligarch-looting programmes that occurred, after the 1991 end of Soviet Union.Read more


  1. Yeah.
    Unz exposed himself on the "beleaguered and disenfranchised" Sachs. (Sarcasm high)
    When Sachs loses his home, takes a 75% haircut on his income, has been reduced to entry-level employment no matter his experience or credentials AND finds himself subordinate in his entry-level job to a person who was his typist 18 years prior then Ron could be as justified in taking up Jeffrey's cross.
    No pun intended.

  2. These jewish "converts" who benefitted prodigiously from jew swindle. Then 'repent' and are installed as leaders of newly empowered 'antiestablishment' factions. Like LARA LOGAN who made millions pushing MSM till they evicted her. Now she's trying to start WW3- like she pushed. Iraq WMD lies. This corrupt Ashkenazi jew from S Africa is now 'standard bearer of Truthers' is all over the net- yet whines about how censored she is. Lenin said- "Control the opposition by LEADING it". That is exactly what these phony usurpers are doing. Bret Weinstein, ANOTHER one. Folks, kick this trash to the curb.
