Wednesday 10 April 2024

IDF completes road across width of Gaza, ‘as part of Israeli plan to remain in Gaza and replace 1.5 million Palestinians’


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IDF completes road across width of Gaza, ‘as part of Israeli plan to remain in Gaza and replace 1.5 million Palestinians’

“The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has finished building a new road which runs across northern Gaza from east to west …

“… [Some] experts fear it will used as a barrier, preventing Palestinians from returning to their homes in the north.

“Others said it appeared to be part of an Israeli plan to remain in Gaza [indefinitely] …

“Khaled Elgindy, a senior fellow at the US-based Middle East Institute, [said:]

“‘It appears that the Israeli military will remain in Gaza indefinitely’ …

“‘By dividing Gaza in half, Israel will control not only what goes in and out of Gaza, but also movement within Gaza’ …

“‘This includes quite possibly preventing the 1.5 million displaced Palestinians in the south from returning to their homes in the north.’”


  1. PUTIN IS A CRYPTO JEWISH TRAITOR TO THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE AS IS THE JEW ZELENSKY TO THE UKRAINIAN PEOPLE! IN REALITY THE SLAVIC PEOPLE DECEIVED BY INTERNATIONAL JEWRY IN CONTROL OF BOTH SIDES THEY ARE MAKING THEM AND PUSHING THEM TO KILL EACH OTHER < SLAVIC MAN AGAINST SLAVIC MAN < DIVIDE AND CONQUER! THE LEADER OF CHABAD, THE MESSIAH MENACHEM MENDEL SCHNEERSON ON HIS PLANS TO DESTROY THE SLAVES.- First of all, we will divide the Slavic nations (of 300 million, half of them Russian) into small countries with weak and severed connections. To do this, we will use our old method: Divide and conquer. We will try to pit these countries against each other and drag them into civil wars for the sake of mutual destruction. The Slavs and Russians can be destroyed, but never conquered. The Ukrainians would think they were fighting expansionist Russia and fighting for their independence. They will think they have finally gained their freedom, while we completely dominate them.
    The Russians will think the same, defending their national interests to recover their lands, which were “illegally” taken from them, etc. That is why this seed is subject to liquidation and, at first, to a sharp reduction in its number. As for the story, there is nothing to say. We will give our own history to the cattle and show that all human evolution was moving towards the recognition of the nation of Jews chosen by God as masters of the entire world.
    In the media (radio, television, press, art, literature, theater, cinema) we will gradually eliminate national staff and replace them with our staff or, in extreme cases, with cosmopolitan staff.

  2. We will undertake reform in education and limit the teaching of subjects that strengthen and systematize the thinking process in the left and right brain hemispheres:
    a) Language and Literature, 6) Physics and Mathematics.
    Instead of national values, we will give you balalaika patriotism and drunken tears. Our goal is to replace the Slavic elite with our own elite. We will not allow the development of science in the Slavic countries. A core of scientists (Academy of Sciences) will be formed from our people. We will not allow any high-tech industry, and this will lead to a total collapse of the industry. We will restrict it to the production of essential items for a limited contingent of slaves, who will produce raw materials for us.Already 85% of the continental shelf of the Arctic Ocean ended up in our hands, thanks to confusing agreements. signed under Gorbachev and Yeltsin and that are not explained to the people (the general public still does not know).
    Half a million Armenians already reside in southern Russia. This is our outpost. First of all, in order to deceive, we will declare the Armenian Republic in the Kuban. Then, driving away the Cossacks, we will turn it into Khazaria, Israel. What will help us is that the Cossacks are constantly drunk, they love power and are ready to fight among themselves for this power.

  3. However, a structured organization still exists: the Orthodox clergy. We will send members of our Jewish clergy there, who will become Russian Orthodox priests. The Talmud allows them to perform the rituals of other religions, keeping Judaism intact in the depths of their being.
    We will bribe the rest. And we will destroy those who do not succumb to us. The Russians no longer have more or less organized structures, and the cattle cannot unite and establish them, because the Russian cattle have already become drunk, degraded and are unable to structure themselves.Among the citizens there are many engineers, skilled workers and teachers. We will create for them such conditions of survival (absence of employment, high rents, high costs of utilities, transport, etc.) that will lead them alone to the remote villages of the North, to where Russians are now fleeing from the countries of the former Union Soviet. They would think that it might be easier for them to live a better life. But in reality, this will also be a deception
    Corrupt the youth and turn them into perverts, and you will win the nation! This is our motto. We will deprive your community of young people, degrading it with sex, rock music, violence, alcohol, smoking, drugs, that is, we will deprive your society of the future. We will beat the family, we will destroy it, we will reduce the birth rate. If the birth rate is reduced by at least half, 2-3 million Russians will be killed a year without any physical effort. We will create better living conditions for the criminals who stop cattle work. We are going to get criminals out of prisons, so that there are more murders, robberies, instability. The amnesty will apply only to thieves and murderers; In short, everyone except those convicted of “inciting ethnic hatred,” which is, in fact, the law against anti-Semitism.
    We will spread fear among the people. The cattle will fear for their lives, which will be worthless. They will fear for the workplace that could be taken away from them at any moment. They will fear for the future of their... We will rule by fear.
    But money is the most important thing. Money does everything. Money is power. Money is strength. The man with money has weapons, the most advanced weapons and an army of mercenaries. Money owns the media, which deceives billions of human cattle. Money bribes the people we need. Money eliminates those who do not submit to us. Money bombards those who resist us: Iraqis, Serbs and, in the future, Russians. Capital and the seizure of power decide everything. We have practiced our skills in capital accumulation and power seizure for more than three millennia, and no one will defeat us in this. You [the cattle] have no money. You [the cattle] have no power. And you [the cattle] will never have money or power. We will not give you money or power!

  4. I hope you believe the stupid quotes you bring\ and don't bring them just like that.
    It is important in any case that Israel ends the war in Gaza by eliminating the remnants of Hamas hiding in Rafah and this is for the benefit of the whole world, and especially for the benefit of the Arabs of Gaza.

  5. I hope you believe the stupid quotes you bring\ and don't bring them just like that.
    It is important in any case that Israel ends the war in Gaza by eliminating the remnants of Hamas hiding in Rafah and this is for the benefit of the whole world, and especially for the benefit of the Arabs of Gaza.


