Sunday 4 February 2024

What exactly are US special forces doing in Israel?

What exactly are US special forces doing in Israel?

Responsible Statecraft › ... › pentagon

U.S. special operations forces are stationed in Israel and “actively helping the Israelis” in a number of areas, among them efforts to “identify hostages, ...

What exactly are US special forces doing in Israel?

What exactly are US special forces doing in Israel?


  1. Check this out:

  2. CNN staff say network’s pro-Israel slant amounts to ‘journalistic malpractice’


    “CNN is facing a backlash from its own staff over editorial policies they say have led to a regurgitation of Israeli propaganda …

    “‘The majority of news since the war began, regardless of how accurate the initial reporting, has been skewed by a systemic and institutional bias within the network toward Israel,’ said one CNN staffer.

    “‘Ultimately, CNN’s coverage of the Israel-Gaza war amounts to journalistic malpractice.’

    “… [Daily] news decisions are shaped by a flow of directives from the CNN headquarters in Atlanta …

    “They include tight restrictions on quoting Hamas and reporting other Palestinian perspectives while Israel government statements are taken at face value.

    “In addition, every story on the conflict must be cleared by the Jerusalem bureau before broadcast or publication.

    “CNN journalists say the tone of coverage is set at the top by its new editor-in-chief and CEO, MARK THOMPSON …

    “… [In] a former role as the BBC’s director general he was accused of bowing to Israeli government pressure on a number of occasions, including a demand to remove one of the corporation’s most prominent correspondents from her post in Jerusalem in 2005 …

    “… [One] CNN staffer noted that the network repeatedly aired inflammatory rhetoric and propaganda from Israeli officials and American supporters, often without challenge in interviews …

    “In addition to the edicts from Atlanta, CNN has a longstanding policy that all copy on the Israel-Palestine situation must be approved for broadcast or publication by the Jerusalem bureau … The Jerusalem bureau chief [is] RICHARD GREENE …

    “… Israeli official statements are often quickly cleared and make it on air on the principle that that they are to be trusted at face value … while statements and claims from Palestinians … are delayed or never reported …

    “One staffer pointed to the appearance of Rami Igra, a former senior official in the Israeli intelligence service, on Anderson Cooper’s show, where he claimed that the entire Palestinian population of Gaza could be regarded as combatants …

    “Cooper did not challenge him … By the time the interview aired on 19 November, more than 13,000 people had been killed in Gaza, most of them civilians …

    “Another CNN staffer picked out anchor Jake Tapper’s programme ... In one segment, Tapper … appeared to defend the scale of the Israeli attack on Gaza …

    “Another presenter, Sara Sidner, drew criticism for her excitable report on unverified Israeli claims that Hamas beheaded dozens of babies on 7 October …

    “… [A] CNN reporter in Jerusalem, Hadas Gold … [said:] ‘… [You’re] dealing with people who would do such atrocities to children, to babies, to toddlers’ …

    “CNN faced similar accusations of partiality in the wake of the 9/11 attacks [sic] in 2001 …

    “Some at CNN … say that the [Ukraine/Russia] war may be part of the problem because … many of its journalists identified clearly with one side – Ukraine …”


    CNN’s CEO, SIR MARK JOHN THOMPSON was educated at Stonyhurst College by Jesuits, and served as Director-General of the BBC from 2004-2012.

    “Thompson faced questions about his role in the events around Savile's actions and BBC coverage of them”.

    Thompson now lives in the US with his wife, Jane Blumberg.

    She is the daughter of Baruch Samuel ‘Barry’ Blumberg, the late Jewish-American physician and geneticist who “became the first American to be master at Balliol College, Oxford.”

    CNN’s Jerusalem Bureau Chief, RICHARD ALLEN GREENE, studied at the London School of Economics (LSE).

    He joined CNN in 2008, following spending some seven years at the BBC and a year at Politico.

    Scores of pro-Israel, pro-Zionist articles by Richard Allen Greene are carried by Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Some appear in The Jewish Journal. Greene’s partisan articles span the period either side of the 9-11 false flag atrocity and the US-UK ‘War on Terror’: 1998-2004.

    What are Israel’s planes doing here in the UK?
