Friday 9 February 2024

Viganò ...


  1. Re: Military use of aluminium particulate 'Chaff'. October 2019 during massive bushfires with heat so intense it was melting car windows, Australia's Air Force dispersed such a large cloud of chaff OVER the FIRE ZONE - storm chasers thought it was a large storm. It was not. It was a 'secret' military exercise. Aluminium nano particles are a known fire accelerant. I emailed the Departments of Health and Defence also the Air Force links showing it was banned in the USA - issuing a CEASE & DESIST ORDER. They stopped - so did the fires. BTW the area in Queensland was where SANTOS were seeking a Gas Exploration agreement but many protestors who lived there had been objecting too. SANTOS won. See my screen shot:

  2. Re: Military use of aluminium particulate 'Chaff'. October 2019 during massive bushfires with heat so intense it was melting car windows, Australia's Air Force dispersed such a large cloud of chaff OVER the FIRE ZONE - storm chasers thought it was a large storm. It was not. It was a 'secret' military exercise. Aluminium nano particles are a known fire accelerant. I emailed the Departments of Health and Defence also the Air Force links showing it was banned in the USA - issuing a CEASE & DESIST ORDER. They stopped - so did the fires. BTW the area in Queensland was where SANTOS were seeking a Gas Exploration agreement but many protestors who lived there had been objecting too. SANTOS won. See my screen shot:
