Thursday 1 February 2024

Prestwick Airport faces questions after Israeli plane hosted

Prestwick Airport faces questions after Israeli plane hosted


  1. In the latest update on the wars from Simplicius, there were two surprising but very hopeful stories, citing sources -

    One is that the USA is suddenly putting huge pressure on Israel to end the Gaza war, implement a genuine Palestinian state including the West Bank and Gaza, and compel the relocation of perhaps 200,000 Israeli settlers out of West Bank regions as a necessary part of this.

    Another is that a purported possible Ukraine coup against Zelensky led by General Zaluzhny and allies, involves back-door negotations with Russia to end the conflict altogether.

    As the USA is the major funder of both wars, they can possibly get these things done; the question is why the US government would suddenly do so.

    A reason might be the increasingly-menaced dollar. If the USA were to manage ending these two wars quickly, it would do a great deal to restore US prestige and that of the US dollar with it.

  2. so you still believe your simplicious ?? We are on 28th May now, mind you : and these two "prophecies" are still not fulfilled... No coup in UA, sadly, and no end in sight for Karmageddon in Gaza ! But hopefully Wheel of Fortune will finally turn there and crush sionists...
