Monday 12 February 2024

Labour withdraws support for Rochdale by-election candidate Azhar Ali


The leader of the UK Labour Party, Keir Starmer, is part of the Trilateral Commission gang that has included Geoffrey Epstein. Starmer appears to take his orders from Israel?

Unknown commented

SKY’S JON CRAIG: ‘Keir Starmer’s ‘anti-semitism’ debacle is an unmitigated disaster’

“The sacking of Azhar Ali as Labour's candidate in the Rochdale by-election is the biggest disaster for Sir Keir Starmer in his nearly four years as leader of the party …

“[Now] now Labour goes into the by-election on 29 February with no candidate …

“But there may be worse to come for Labour.

“Suddenly, the Rochdale disaster … plunges the two by-elections this week, in Wellingborough and Kingswood, into potential disarray.

“It's more than an embarrassing retreat and U-turn by the Labour leader.

“It's also an unmitigated disaster for Labour and Sir Keir's worst crisis in his time as leader.”


  1. Rishi Sunak is confronted over the Covid ‘vaccine’ by man who suffered drastic side effects

    “The Prime Minister faced a live TV grilling from voters …

    “An audience member, who suffered serious side effects from the vaccine, used the opportunity to tell Mr Sunak to see the ‘pain, trauma and regret’ in his eyes …

    “The audience member said: '… My name is John Watt and I am one of the Covid vaccine injured in this country … [There] is another man over there whose life has been ruined by the Covid-19 vaccine. 

    “‘I know people who have lost legs — amputations, people with heart conditions like myself …

    “‘Why have I had to set up a support group in Scotland to look after the people that have been affected by that vaccine [sic]?

    “‘Why are the people who are in charge who told us all to do the right thing, have me and the tens of thousands of people in this country to rot …

    “‘The vaccine damage payments scheme is not fit for purpose.

    “In Scotland right now there are over 30,000 people who have had an adverse reaction to that vaccine [sic] …’”

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