Monday 5 February 2024

King Charles - Cancer


King Charles III diagnosed with cancer, Buckingham Palace says


  1. King Charles may refuse cancer treatment as he "does not believe in chemotherapy", a former BBC journalist has claimed.

    Speaking to Nigel Farage on GB News Tom Bower explained: "the King is a promoter of alternative medicine.

    "He would not be one for chemotherapy. He's always argued against it.

    "He's a great believer in natural herbs and potions and things like that.

    "So my guess is that at the moment he's taking advice from a man called Michael Dixon, who he's championed for many years, has headed his own natural alternative medicinal institute discredited by many people."'

    'King Charles appoints pro-homeopathy doctor as head of royal medical household

    King’s controvesial decision of appointing Michael Dixon as head of royal medicine household is under scrutiny'

  2. 18 minute interview with King Charles' top physician, 'alternative medicine' Dr Michael Dixon ... seems like an engaging chap

    Maybe some great good out of all this if more Britons look at natural treatments
