Tuesday 20 February 2024

Boris Johnson wanted $1 million for interview – Tucker Carlson

Anonymous - 

Boris Johnson wanted $1 million for interview – Tucker Carlson
“Boris Johnson is a lot sleazier, a lot lower than Vladimir Putin”

“American journalist Tucker Carlson has said former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson would only agree to an interview if he received a $1 million fee …

“Hoping Johnson would ‘explain his position on Ukraine’, Carlson said he soon heard back from Johnson’s staff, who revealed the former prime minister would agree to the interview – but only on one condition.

“‘Finally an adviser gets back to me and said, “He will talk to you, but it’s going to cost you a million dollars”…

“‘So you’re telling me that Boris Johnson is a lot sleazier, a lot lower than Vladimir Putin? So this whole thing is a freaking shakedown’, Carlson [said] …”



  1. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/ashley-scoggin-former-nebraska-wbb-player-sues-over-inappropriate-relationship-192412156.html

  2. He probably gets that from Republican fundraising dinner speeches....that's what sleazy-ex-UK-PMs do to earn their riches.....

  3. His sister is being sued at the moment!His wife appears to have gone silent in recent months(also a crypto jew).Would Johnstein have continued the immigration invasion....OF COURSE.....like Cameron.His important role is demonstrated by his trip to Israel. With all these powerful jews in cabinet,is it any wonder the British economy is contracting, every year....so Johnstein is sleazy .....his trips to Ukraine suggest he is massively corrupt.....like Bidens son (crypto jew...his mother Jill JACOB).....SO JEWS INC are using traitors like Biden and Johnson to pump money from Western countries into Ukraine which is then shifted onward to THE JEWS.....they're scum of course and their holocaust scam is not working anymore.....
