Tuesday 20 February 2024

BlackRock Is Planning To SHOCK The World - Whitney Webb Bitcoin Prediction


  1. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240219-x-suspends-yemen-houthis-account/

  2. https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2024/02/19/720379/UN-experts-Israeli-troops-sexually-assault-Palestinian-girls

  3. https://strategic-culture.su/news/2024/02/19/brazilian-biosecurity-threatened-oxitec-and-the-new-dengue-outbreak/

  4. https://www.activistpost.com/2024/02/taliban-enforces-new-decrees-against-women.html

  5. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/how-cia-destabilizes-world

  6. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/how-cia-destabilizes-world

  7. "Only the beginning." HSBC became the world's first to offer multi currency digital bonds. "Ashurst (advisors to Rothschild) advises HSBC as the platform provider to HKMA on the world's first multi-currency digital bond offering. This follows Ashurst’s role in advising on the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (HKSAR Government)’s first tokenised green bond issuance in February 2023. The cross-border team at Ashurst was headed by Hong Kong managing partner and financial regulatory partner Ben Hammond, Hong Kong-based global finance, funds and restructuring finance division co-head and debt capital markets partner Jini Lee and London-based bank industry global chair Etay Katz. The partners were assisted by counsel and senior associates Janet Ouyang and Jamie Jefferson Ng. The wider team comprised Hong Kong-based senior associate Sean Ching and associate Do Yeon Kim, global markets associate Thomas Yau and regulatory associate Anna He, as well as London-based financial regulatory associates Clara Yeo and Joy Yeh. HSBC Orion is a technological platform which utilises distributed ledger technology designed for use in conjunction with the issuance of digitally native assets. The platform utilises a private permissioned with nodes managed by the platform operator, CMU. Investors directly participating in HSBC Orion have the capability to hold legal title to the Digital Green Bonds." https://iclg.com/news/20123-ashurst-counsels-hsbc-on-the-first-multi-currency-digital-bond-issuance?fbclid=IwAR2kDgcnpAe4vOgHy88Cx7afeF-Hc4BQw9aPn3WDkeTwmOCqq5rLdmewtrw

  8. DANIEL G. JENNINGS: ‘Why, unlike other Western countries, Switzerland operates a peaceful foreign policy

    And its different ethnic, linguistic, cultural, and religious groups stay together

    “ … [The] sources of Switzerland’s high level of freedom are its unique political structure and system of government.

    “In particular, Switzerland has NO head of government.

    “[A] Federal Council … resembles the British Cabinet, but there is NO prime minister. Thus … NO head of government …

    “Instead … Switzerland’s executive authority [is split] into three parts:


    “[The highest executive authority, the Federal Council consists of 7 members representing the country's major political parties and language regions. The 7 members of the Federal Council are elected by the Swiss parliament. Collectively the Council make decisions and set policy].


    “[The president serves a one-year term and exists for diplomatic purposes, performing the role of head of state. The Swiss presidency is a purely ceremonial position with NO powers].


    “A professional administrator …

    “[Switzerland] hires a PROFESSIONAL to run its government — just as corporations do …”

    “… [This] dilution of executive power is conducive to freedom …”

    “[And] the Swiss Confederation has stuck together since 1848 …

    “[Partly because] the Swiss Constitution affirms the sovereignty of Switzerland’s states or cantons …

    “Accordingly, Switzerland has a two house parliament … [The] popularly elected National Council, and the Council of States that represents the cantons …

    “This gives regions representation, which keeps the country together …

    “Switzerland has much to teach the world …”


  9. The UK High Court REJECTS suspending arms exports to Israel

    “The London High Court rejected a petition to suspend British arms exports to Israel, the lawyers for the plaintiffs said on Tuesday.

    “A coalition of legal advocacy groups had asked the High Court in January to expedite a judicial review of the UK government's decision to keep selling military parts and arms to Israel.

    “Britain's strategic licensing criteria states that weapons should not be exported when there is a clear risk they could be used in international humanitarian law violations …

    “Israel's [war] has killed at least 29,195 people, mostly women and children …”


  10. Israel has the same Western support as Hitler – Maduro

    The president of Venezuela backed the assessment of the Gaza conflict made by his Brazilian counterpart Lula da Silva

    “Modern Israel enjoys ‘the same encouragement, the same funding, and the same support’ of the collective West as Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany before World War II, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has said …”


  11. Boris Johnson wanted $1 million for interview – Tucker Carlson

    “Boris Johnson is a lot sleazier, a lot lower than Vladimir Putin”

    “American journalist Tucker Carlson has said former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson would only agree to an interview if he received a $1 million fee …

    “Hoping Johnson would ‘explain his position on Ukraine’, Carlson said he soon heard back from Johnson’s staff, who revealed the former prime minister would agree to the interview – but only on one condition.

    “‘Finally an adviser gets back to me and said, “He will talk to you, but it’s going to cost you a million dollars”…

    “‘So you’re telling me that Boris Johnson is a lot sleazier, a lot lower than Vladimir Putin? So this whole thing is a freaking shakedown’, Carlson [said] …”

